Double victory for roofers from Kapl

Paul Keplinger is following in the footsteps of Daniel Hofer, who won the state and even the national competition last year. A side note: the two are even neighbors.

Well prepared through training with master roofer Christian Gabriel, three apprentices from Kapl Bau demonstrated their craftsmanship skills at the state apprentice competition: They impressed the jury with their precision and clean execution when covering a heart throat in Eternit and a flat roof model with PVC foil. While Keplinger and Gangl were able to celebrate from the winners’ podium at the end, Daniel Gabauer unfortunately had to end the competition early after injuring his finger.

Top specialists trained

At Kapl Bau, we are naturally proud of the next success in a long list: “Our apprentices have once again proven that we train young people to become top specialists and prepare them for a successful career,” says Managing Director Alexander Gruber.


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