Double penalty for Marc Tarabella: he is excluded from the European and Belgian PS

Socialist MEP Marc Tarabella was expelled from the PS on Wednesday, a decision taken by the College of Presidents and Vice-Presidents”in consultation with the S&D group of the European Parliament”, communicated the socialist party at the end of the day.

“If, at the end of the legal proceedings, the facts are not established, Marc Tarabella could ask for his reinstatement”, specifies the socialist party. The party had already decided on December 13 to “suspend” Marc Tarabella from his membership. “The time of the legal proceedings“, we specified then.

Wednesday’s announcement followed shortly after that of the centre-left political group in the European Parliament. The group had initially asked the mayor of Anthisnes to withdraw on his own, which Marc Tarabella had deemed “premature” and “unfair” since he was neither heard nor charged by the courts. The S&D group therefore decided to exclude him, coordinating with the PS.

Both the party and the group are told that this exclusion could be temporary. “On the judicial level, the Socialist Party is committed to the principle of the presumption of innocence”specifies Wednesday the spokesman of the PS. “This decision (of exclusion) does not prejudge the veracity of the allegations against Marc Tarabella. It is up to justice, and to it alone, to establish the facts, the parties not having the power to ‘investigation”.

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