Dossier, Lega-gate arrives in Europe. Via Bellerio is considering legal action –

The little hand of spies to mount investigations into the 49 million euros of electoral funds. The scandal, published in «», does not leave Salvini’s party indifferent, which at this point is aware of having ended up in the crosshairs of those who wanted to use their power to attack the political opponent of the moment, in his moment improve.

The background therefore becomes a central topic in the conversations in Via Bellerio, so much so that Senator Marco Dreosto, after the President of the Senate La Russa had anticipated the desire to bring the “dossierage” case to Parliament, anticipates the move and submits it to the Council of Europe, where he was on an official mission for Palazzo Madama. «It is a scandal – he claims – which must also be reported in Europe, where for too long the League and our secretary have been attacked and targeted for issues, which are now discovered to be the subject of fake journalistic investigations, started from abusive reports and illegal. A shame that cannot be ignored, not only for the reputation of the League, but also for the dignity of the word “journalism”. Thanks, however, to “” for continuing to investigate and ask for the truth about one of the worst scandals in recent republican history.” The parliamentarian’s hope, therefore, is that a special commission of inquiry will be established as soon as possible “to shed light on a rotten and anti-democratic system”.

In the sights of spies: this is how the dossier on the 49 million to the League was born

Gianluca Cantalamessa, member of the Anti-Mafia, the parliamentary body that has followed the whole affair from the beginning, meanwhile, declares himself worried about what is coming out in recent days: «I won’t go into the merits of the papers, as they are classified documents, but it is clear how dozens and dozens of men and women of the League have been unfairly and illicitly profiled by a building, which on the contrary should only represent safety and legality. Now we just need to understand who instigated all this and above all what his objectives were. Palamara’s interceptions, in which it was said that Salvini had to be attacked regardless, demonstrate that there was a well-planned and multi-pronged attack. Someone tried to weaken, with every means available, what was the first party in Italy, probably because they were respecting their agreements with the voters. I don’t know which state powers acted, but I am aware that whoever did it succeeded thanks to tools that normal citizens could not have at their disposal. Otherwise this strange hunt for current accounts and money flows could not be explained.”

We missed the Romanzo Viminale

For Nicola Ottaviani, deputy and former mayor of Frosinone, the key element of the case, «which is being overlooked and which instead should give rise to reflection, is that Melillo and Cantone felt the need to make themselves heard by the Anti-Mafia, within a proceedings in which the preliminary investigations had not yet been concluded, or in progress”. This means that the matter is not strictly judicial, of violation of the rules regarding illegal access to the State’s IT systems, but it is something more important.

«This is a sign – he underlines – of how the danger of subversion is around the corner. The old Palamara theorem comes back into play: to subvert an electoral outcome all it takes is a magistrate, a judicial police officer and a deviant journalist. Here we have even arrived at multiple subjects who have fed the system.” The question, therefore, that arises spontaneously is the following: who has benefited from all this? «The old criterion that was used in crimes – highlights the deputy – said to follow the trail of the money to get to the person who created everything. Never more current. Who paid for all these investigations, who was interested in using all these resources to go and verify the League’s current accounts, while the country’s problems were different?”.

Salvini’s party, meanwhile, feels “unfairly penalised”. That’s why he’s willing to do anything. From Via Bellerio, in fact, they report that the movement “will go all the way, even through legal means, if necessary”

#Dossier #Legagate #arrives #Europe #Bellerio #legal #action #Tempo
2024-10-06 00:13:26



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