Dosfarma Woman Awards rewards women in the field of health and wellness

The first edition of the Dosfarma Woman Awards rewards the scientific dissemination work of women in Spain.

Social networks have become in recent years a great loudspeaker for scientific dissemination. With this success, the diversity of profiles also proliferates, with more and more women communicators who succeed in networks offering information and expert advice. To recognize his work in the fields of health and wellness The Dosfarma Woman Awards have recently been created.

In the Casa Encendida in Madrid, on March 28, some of the most outstanding voices of popularization in our country to collect their awards and give visibility to the work of scientific communication. At a time when the pandemic and other events exposed us to overinformation, the quality disclosure by these women was still there.

We were able to see familiar faces such as Boticaria García, Lucía Mi Pediatra or journalist Noemí Casquet, who were some of the winners. They, like so many other disseminators, have achieved
Create spaces of trust in your social networks so that thousands of people improve their physical or mental well-being, thanks to the knowledge of the greatest experts in the field.

In total they were distributed twelve awards in nine categories, including Sexology, Paediatrics, Nutrition or Dermatology. The awards, born from the initiative of the online pharmacy Dosfarmaalso had the presence of various reference brands in the health sector such as Dodot, Avène or Durex, whose representatives were responsible for delivering the awards.

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The first prize, in the Pharmacy category, went to Marian García, better known as @boticariagarcia in social networks. Doctor of Pharmacy and Nutritionist, receives this recognition for her excellent and long-standing work as a disseminator. The recipe for his success -almost half a million followers on Instagram- is simplicity when explaining how to take care of ourselves: “The goal is the same in a village pharmacy or in social networks,” he assured during your speech.

Science with a conscience could well be the motto of the second winners of the Dosfarma Woman Awards. Maria Hernandez and Elena Perez, @Futurlife21 in social networks, and mother and daughter in real life, they bring us closer to science “through something we do every day, which is eating”, explained Elena while collecting her award in the Nutrition category. Both are biochemists and have managed to form a perfect team to help us create healthier habits through simple and fun recipes.

When we talk about health, we cannot forget a fundamental part such as sports. And for the love and passion that she professes, Carmen Fernández Estéfano (@Carmenestefano) has been awarded the Dosfarma Women Award in the category of Sport and Healthy Habits. When collecting the award, Carmen revealed the simple reason that led her to spread the benefits of the exercise:
“Why don’t I share something that has made me feel so good?

And joining nutrition and sport, there are profiles like that of Paloma Quintana,
@Nutricionconqthat after years of experience in the world of sport Nutritionwanted to allocate its efforts to food education focused especially on women, since it is a public that until a few years ago had gone unnoticed by this sector.

The “best dermatologist in Spain”, according to the Doctoralia Awards 2017, Cristina Eguren (@Dracristinaeguren_derma) stated during the awards ceremony that “my mission in life is to help women improve their quality of life”. To do this, she has found a unique work tool in the networks, thanks to which dissemination has ended up becoming “a precious life project,” said the doctor. Also in the Dermatology category, Dr. Ana Molina (@Dr.anamolina) for his “narrative medicine” in social networks.

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In the Nursing category, the award went to Esther Gómez,
@myfavoritenursewho at 28 years old combines her work as a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid with dissemination on social networks and the media for “make us protagonists of our own health”, as stated during the delivery of this award.

Simplicity and naturalness is also what Noemí Casquet exudes,
@mamacasquet, a journalist specializing in sexuality, when collecting her award in the category of Sexuality. She has helped us understand the different stages that women go through throughout their lives and to learn to enjoy relationships “without filters”.

And to learn about health with a gender perspective, we have Laura Cámara (@Lauracamara.ginesex), sexologist, nurse and midwife, who has been awarded at the Woman Awards for her
sexual health outreach work. He assures that “the networks have offered me something unimaginable, which was to bring this closer to the general population”

In the category of Gynecology, the gynecologist Miriam Al Adib (@Miriam_al_adib), for their expert and altruistic information. Miriam made women’s health her vocation and believes “in a medicine that is a perfect combination of science, art and humanism because it puts each patient at the center of the equation.” Medicine is about people and this is demonstrated by her outreach work.

In line with this more humanistic approach to women’s health is the work carried out by Xusa Sanz (@Soyxusasanz), nurse and nutritionist expert in hormonal health. Their networks are a space free of stereotypes, which also offer a special sensitivity towards
reproductive health. A look that goes beyond the strictly reproductive plane and that occupies aspects that until now had been left aside, such as alterations in menstruation.

One of the last awards went to Lucía Galán, @Luciamipediatra, who unfortunately couldn’t make it to the awards show, but made sure to send in a thank you video. The pediatrician has almost twenty years of experience in Pediatrics and in recent years she has become a referent of disclosure for his teachings on child care.

At the gala of the Dosfarma Woman Awards 2022, the work and
importance of scientific dissemination in our country, and the
woman figure in different areas. In addition, these awards are of special importance to the company for two reasons. The first is that 70% of its users are women and, secondly, the awards are framed in the solidarity campaign of #TeAuxiliowhich was launched during the month of March to contribute to female empowerment and the fight against inequality.

As part of this campaign, a Solidarity Kit has been put up for sale, a first aid kit whose full profits will go to the Aid Project, created in collaboration with the Ana Bella Foundation and the Women’s Association for Health. The proceeds from the sale of this kit will be used to offer assistance to women who have been victims of violence
of gender so that they can mend their wounds.

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