‘Doomsday fish’ found on California coast – La Nación

An oarfish, an extremely rare marine species, was found last Saturday by a group of divers exploring the southern coast of California, United States. The specimen, popularly known as the “doomsday fish”was seen in various cultures as an omen of natural disasters.

Según la Scripps Institution of Oceanographyfrom the University of California, San Diego, this find is one of fewer than 24 records of this species in the state in more than 120 years. The animal, with a long, silvery body, measured more than 3 meters, although it is known that they can reach up to 9 meters. It is characterized by its large eyes and crown-shaped red spines.

The species lives in the deep sea, far from the surface, which makes it rare to see. The specimen was already dead when it was found near La Jolla Cove Beach. Their presence near the surface is often associated with illness, disorientation or death, the Scripps Institute said. Since 1901, only 20 oarfish have been sighted in California.

Scientists plan to perform a necropsy to determine the cause of death, and its remains will be displayed at the Scripps Marine Vertebrate Collection. It is important to remember that, according to some reports, specimens of this species were sighted in Japan before the 2011 earthquake.

Oarfish are often seen before disasters. (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

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