Don’t put your Amazon Echo in these four places

Finding where to place your Amazon Echo in its home is not easy. It needs to be accessible by your voice, but some areas should also be avoided at all costs.

Your devices Amazon Echo are here to help you when you want to configure your streaming service from music favorite or update your Alexa settings. However, these devices don’t tell you the best and safest places in your home to place your smart speakers and displays. You’re probably thinking, “Does it really matter where I put it as long as I can give it my voice instructions from anywhere in the house?” The answer is yes, definitely.

Placing your Alexa device in certain areas of your home may pose a risk to your privacy or damage your speaker.

For example, did you know that intruders can access your device from the outside if it is placed too close to a window? Here’s where you shouldn’t put your Echo devices and the best places to put them.

1. Don’t put Alexa near the toilet

Placing an Echo near your toilet is dirty. Think of all the germs and other bacteria that exist in this room – even in an extremely clean toilet. That being said, if you absolutely must have an Echo in the bathroom, place it as far away from the toilet as possible.

If you can, mount it on a wall. Make sure it can’t fall and remember to place it near an electrical outlet so you can plug it in. Also keep it away from the tub.

2. Don’t place Alexa near a sink or sink

If you want to drown out the sounds of Alexa’s voice, then yes, place your Echo in a sink or basin. That being said, if you want to park it intact, never place it near water.

You don’t want to risk water splashing on your Echo. Instead, place it on a piece of furniture that doesn’t have a sink or sink. Also avoid leaving it too close to the work surface. It should not be splashed with any sauce or paste.

3. Don’t place Alexa near a window

Keep your Echo away from all windows in your home. This might give access to your Echo to someone outside your home. From there, that person might access your other connected devices. For example, if your car is connected to your smart speaker, an intruder might open it and start it.

4. Don’t put Alexa under your TV

How many ads today say “Alexa,…” and activate your Echo? And even if the TV says anything remotely like “Alexa,” guess who’s going to activate.

Not only does this interrupt what you’re watching, but the device also starts recording what you’re regarding to say. If you have a very private chat and Alexa is on, you are putting your privacy at risk. Placing your device on a small table makes more sense and should trigger less of the wizard.

But then, where should you put your Amazon Echo?

  • In a corner of your living room (away from the windows, of course).
  • A place that is easily visible, so you can tell when the light ring is on.
  • On your bedroom bedside table.
  • On the edge of your worktop in the kitchen (away from the sink).
  • On a shelf or bookcase.
  • Mounted on a wall (not facing a window).



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