“Don’t open that office” –

Susanna Novelli

A seasonal, or rather electoral, love affair between the Greens and the Left that on the eve of autumn is already in danger of imploding on itself. A little more than two months after the unexpected electoral exploit that brought Bonelli and Fratoianni’s party to almost 7 percent, they are already living apart at home. In fact, it is “forbidden” to open a club with the Avs logo, either you use the Greens’ or the Italian Left’s, as if the joint management of two realities, perhaps similar but very distant from each other, were a taboo to escape. And like all respectable stories, it is the third wheel that brings the knots to the comb. And if this person is called Ignazio Marino, the game is practically done. Indeed, the battle in the press on the pages of Il Foglio started by the Martian himself is striking. When he returned to the Capital that he governed for about two years, he began to attack the administration of Roberto Gualtieri, alias the PD that first elected him and then sent him home without too many compliments. It’s a shame that part, not only a determining one but a founding one, of the government of Rome Capitale branded by the center-left is precisely Avs.

Evidently, in her first walk around the Capitol on her way back from Philadelphia, former mayor Marino noticed things that must have escaped her when she was mayor, namely the disgraceful state the Capital is in. The response of the Avs councilor in Campidoglio, Andrea Catarci, was predictable, as was the outcry not only from the city and municipal councilors of the Green-Left Alliance but also from the elected members of the Democratic Party.

«Snake cousins» to whom, again from the pages of Il Foglio, Filiberto Zaratti replies with a harsh letter, signing himself «Avs deputy and co-spokesperson for Europa verde in Lazio», just to distinguish. In the letter, Zaratti attacks the Capitoline councilor, specifying «that he does not speak on behalf of Avs», then going into detail about Roman issues, from the Rome Stadium to the waste-to-energy plant. «Let’s leave the judgment on Marino’s government experience to the people of Rome», Zaratti writes again, perhaps forgetting that in the last months of his mandate, the former mayor had 6 out of 10 Romans against him and, once he was sent home with the mass resignation of the City Council (including the PD and, ironically, not of the councilors of the Left), the Romans voted for Virginia Raggi, sending that Capitoline experience to hell.

Beyond the “family” quarrels, however, a reflection is necessary: ​​but shouldn’t Ignazio Marino deal with Europe? Why focus the internal debate of Avs on the Capital, when this political alliance is leaking from all sides, to the point of not opening clubs with its own logo? Could it be that the divorce between the Greens and the Left is already a reality and the ground is being sown for the 2026 Capitoline elections, perhaps with the return of the Martian to lead a “green” list? Thinking badly…

#Dont #open #office #Tempo
2024-08-31 06:31:29



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