Super Junior members praised Leeteuk and Shindong’s new meal kit menu.
Super Junior members Kyuhyun, Yesung, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, and Donghae came to taste the new menu of Leeteuk and Shindong on KBS 2TV’s ‘The Boss’s Ears are Donkey Ears’ (hereinfollowing referred to as ‘donkey ears’), which was broadcast on the 21st.
In an interview with the production team, Leeteuk said, “If you let the members taste it, it will also be a promotion on SNS.” We planned to reflect the feedback by trying various experiments on the menu being developed.
First, Shindong’s developed menu was Osam Jeyuk in the shape of a honeycomb, and Leeteuk’s Kimchi Jjagul.
The members who ate Leeteuk’s kimchi jjagul first gave reactions such as “The meat is tough” and “It lacks strength”. In response, Leeteuk boiled her noodles to add extra flavor and strength. Kyuhyun praised him, saying, “He’s a rice thief.”
Then, it’s time to taste Shindong’s menu. Although it seemed a bit spicy to Kyuhyun and Yesung’s taste, the other members ate the prepared food as if spicy was a good fit.
[유은영 스타투데이 객원기자]
PhotoㅣKBS 2TV broadcast screen capture
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]