Donations for young families – Brühl

Brühl. The Kolping family Brühl donated 500 euros to the Kolping family Düren to support the flood victims there of the city through which the Rur flowed. A letter of thanks has now been sent to the Brühlern from the city in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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“We were very pleased regarding your donation to our donation account for the benefit of the flood victims here in our region and thank you very much for it. The Kolping family here in Düren was largely spared from the floods. Our Kolping friends in the Eifel, that is, in Kall and Mechernich as well as in Eschweiler, Stolberg and Jülich, are much more affected ”, the letter says.

In the place of residence of a Kolping sister from Düren in Odendorf on the Steinbachtalsperre, the devastation was enormous. “It was important to us to be able to help those affected quickly and unbureaucratically. This is how the donation account was set up. We have and will support our Kolping friends, but also their acquaintances, families and friends in Kall, Mechernich, Eschweiler, Stolberg, Jülich and Odendorf with the donations. We are always overwhelmed by the willingness to donate ”, thanks the Kolping family from Düren to their counterpart in Brühl.

There you are supported by Kolping friends from all over Germany. A number of emergency aid has already been paid out in this way. “We usually do this in the form of a financial grant so that the families concerned can decide for themselves how they want to invest the grant,” explains Dieter Bovelett from the management team in Düren. That is the right approach, because only those affected know where the need is greatest for them. But drying equipment to make a newly built and then flooded house habitable once more will be financed, according to the letter of thanks.

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Help for Odendorf

“We supported a young family in replacing the children’s room that they had just bought. The mother was very pregnant at the time of the disaster. We were also able to help with the acquisition of electrical appliances, ”says spokeswoman Birgit Hohmann. The victims themselves are usually very modest in their need.

“Our Kolping sister in Odendorf told us regarding a family with two smaller children. The whole family is not doing well mentally. The mother is now taking trauma therapy and both children suffer greatly from the situation. To make matters worse, the family’s car also broke down. We were able to help in this case too, ”emphasized the Kolping family in Düren to the Brühl group.

On behalf of all those affected in the area around Düren, those active there thank the Brühl Kolping Family for their donation, “we will use them very well,” it says from Düren. so-called/race




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