Héma-Québec not only collects blood or plasma donations, but also breast milk donations for premature babies and, as at the beginning of each month, the organization is currently looking for donors.
Andrée-Anne Hudon Thibeault has 3 children. His latest, Ludovic, is five and a half months old. She is one of the generous moms who donate their breast milk for premature babies.
“Breastfeeding isn’t a sacrifice, it’s a little addition to the routine,” she explained. “I created a fake drink to tell my body “we have to produce at this time”
Every evening, she produces regarding two 80ml bottles. “I’m approaching 16 liters of milk,” she continued.
She invites mothers of babies under eight months to donate too. “We know it’s not always easy for everyone. I felt privileged to have a healthy baby. For me, it’s a small gesture compared to the benefit it brings. Of course I wanted to do it, ”said the mother.
Héma-Québec collects around 100 milk donations every month in its public bank. Breast milk is used for very premature babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy and whose mother cannot breastfeed.
“Breast milk is really used as medicine. There are components that protect premature babies from intestinal diseases, which can be fatal,” said Héma-Québec spokesperson Josée Larivée.
It’s quite a gymnastics for the body, which must renew its breast milk bank every month.
“We hope each month that we won’t have a lot of premature babies, so we don’t keep a large stock of mothers’ milk. It is a coincidence that sometimes hundreds of mothers sign up at the beginning of the month. There are certain months when it is more difficult to fill,” said Ms. Larivée.
As a general rule, mothers are generous. And when the monthly stocks are full, do not be discouraged.
“If you have a one-month-old baby, the Héma-Québec bank may need you in a month or two. You just have to go see us on the Héma-Québec site, we’ll tell you if it’s full, ”she said.
At the time of the report, 12 mothers had registered out of 115 to donate.
“When we go to carry the bags with the little pots of milk, we have a heavy heart, we are proud,” mentioned Andrée-Anne Hudon Thibeault with emotion.
In Quebec, more than 4,000 liters of milk are needed each year to meet the needs of some 1,000 premature babies.