Donald Trump signed an executive order to reduce legal protections for social media companies

Donald Trump signed an executive order to reduce legal protections for social media companies

In retaliation, Donald Trump signed an executive order to reduce legal protections afforded to social media companies.

When US President Donald Trump’s tweet was labeled ‘fact check’ by the Twitter management, the US President also took retaliatory action. Donald Trump has used his special powers accusing social media platforms of unlimited power in the US and has signed an executive order to curtail the legal protection afforded to social media companies.

With the signing of the executive order, the legal protection that social media platforms have in the United States will be removed to some extent. are, can take legal action against them for blocking or editing user content. The draft executive order states that social media networks engage in selective censorship. The executive order rewrites the Communications Decency Act. Explained.

Under this act, the legal protection afforded to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other online platforms in certain situations was interpreted, according to Article 230 of this law, social networks are responsible for the content posted by users. It can be argued that online platforms can block obscene, violent and harassing content. The exemption under this provision does not apply when social networks themselves edit content posted by users. The draft states that fraudulent blocking of content and removal of content from a website for reasons other than those listed in WetSite’s rules and regulations should not be exempt from legal immunity.

The Federal Communications Commission will define how fraudulent removal of content is inconsistent with the terms and conditions of service providers. Under the order, government advertising on social media sites must be revised. While the White House will create an agency that will receive consumer complaints about social media. Speaking from the Oval Office before signing, Trump said the move was one of the biggest threats in American history. To defend free speech.

Social media monopolies control a large portion of all public and private communications in the United States, he claimed. The order marks a war with technology companies against the US president, who has regularly criticized social media sites. He has been accused of hate speech. Twitter, YouTube and other social media companies did not comment on the order, but legal experts have expressed concern over the executive order.

They say it could be unconstitutional because it threatens to infringe on the First Amendment rights of private companies. Under Twitter’s fake check, Twitter management has labeled two of US President Donald Trump’s tweets as “potentially misleading.” It was stated. After which Donald Trump attacked the social media users. This move was condemned by President Trump as a stranglehold on freedom of expression and said that Twitter is trying to interfere in the 2020 US presidential election.

#Donald #Trump #signed #executive #order #reduce #legal #protections #social #media #companies
2024-08-20 16:28:58



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