Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate and JD Vance is the vice president

Not a woman, not black, not Hispanic and not old, but a 39-year-old white man will be Donald Trump’s running mate.


Donald Trump was chosen as the Republican presidential candidate. This was decided on Monday night Hungarian time in Milwaukee, at the Republican National Convention. Previously, the former president announced that he would nominate Ohio Senator JD Vance as his vice president.

“After much consideration and thought, and considering the tremendous talent of many others, I have decided that the most suitable person to serve as Vice President of the United States is Senator JD Vance from the great state of Ohio,” wrote Donald Trump on his social media account.

The candidate was named unusually late, only at the site of the presidential nominating convention. Trump had indicated earlier that he had made the decision, but he did not even tell the person, who turned out to be James David Vance, an investor and author who has only been a United States senator for a year.

The first negative comment regarding him was that he was politically inexperienced and inexperienced in the Washington jungle, but it is very likely that Trump singled him out just to be as far away from cliques and lobby groups as possible.

On Monday followingnoon, it was no longer too difficult to identify Vance because, according to an open-source intelligence paper, the senator’s reinforced convoy left his home in Ohio for Wisconsin.

Earlier, Senators Marco Rubio of Florida and Rick Scott of South Carolina were the targets of speculation, but it was difficult to focus on the fact that Trump’s staff requested biographies and confidential profiles of at least 10 people, including women and black people. And the Secret Service apparently mightn’t say which people, at Trump’s request, had their background and integrity checked before he chose one of them.

Formerly fierce opponents, now enthusiastic friends

At the time of the 2016 election, Vance was still a staunch opponent of Trump’s election, but then they slowly grew closer, and their relationship is now clearly one of trust. The strongest agreement between them has emerged on the issue of relations with Israel, as Vance is a fierce opponent of Joe Biden’s Israeli and Middle East policies, which is one of the cornerstones of Trump’s policies.

In one of CNN’s spring broadcasts, the senator considered President Biden’s suspension of arms deliveries to Israel to be an intolerable and scattered policy, and demanded the immediate withdrawal of the decision, lest Hamas regain its strength.

Evangelical Vance studied philosophy and political science at Ohio State University.

Vance is from Ohio, a so-called battleground state that the former president won in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. The man already tried to run for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections, but in the end he considered it too early. In 2022, he seized the opportunity and became the senator of his state, defeating the local traditional politicians by a significant margin.

As a writer, Vance is credited with the bestselling memoir “Hillbilly Elegy”, which also won The New York Times Grand Prize. The selection of the author might increase the chances of Trump supporters showing up for the Nov. 5 election, given Vance’s popularity among Republican candidates.

Trump himself presented his candidate to the audience of the convention as an impulsive, captivating, well-reasoned and educated young man who can bring life to Washington’s dusty environment. He will be able to show off his debate skills twice in October, when he will face off once morest the more routine Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris, at least according to the current plans.



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