Dominique de Villepin Captivates Crowd with Fresh Perspectives on the Popular Front at Fête de l’Huma

Invited this Sunday, the former prime minister of Jacques Chirac considered that it was not up to Emmanuel Macron to judge whether such a government would have “lasted over time”. He also denounced “the invisibility of Gaza“.

Dominique de Villepin, the former unfortunate defender of the CPE, was more applauded at the Fête de l’Huma than François Ruffin, the director of “Merci Patron!”. It is not a question of eloquence here; neither of them is certainly lacking in it. But, in the order of unspeakable loves, a part of the left has become passionate – and this is nothing new – for the former prime minister of Jacques Chirac.

She found in him the herald of two causes that were existential to her. Gaza, of course, about which the father of the “no” to the 2003 war in Iraq never ceases to warn against the endless path of wars waged with no other political perspective than themselves. Then the French political crisis born of the summer dissolution, about which Dominique de Villepin is unequivocal.

“The invisibility of death in Gaza”

“There was a force that came out on top, we had to give it a chance!”proclaims the former Prime Minister to the cheers of the crowd of left-wing activists gathered this Sunday at Base 217 in Plessis-Pâté and Brétigny-sur-Orge (91). “Would it have lasted? Would the NFP have had the audacity to extend its lines to form a government that could have a majority? That was not for the President of the Republic to answer in place of the New Popular Front.”decided the man who was for a long time secretary general of the Élysée.

The wild applause was no less loud when Dominique de Villepin began to talk about the war in Gaza, according to him “invisibilized”The man on the right, the place being appropriate, thus chose a concept markedly left-wing to evoke it, but, beyond that, his speech was not surprising as he has repeated it with constancy since the days following the bloody attacks committed by Hamas on October 7 in Israel.

“The drama of Gaza, in the representation, and which further aggravates the frustration of a certain number of peoples of the Global South, is the invisibility of death in Gaza, it is the silence of death in Gaza”denounced the former diplomat, using the Gaullist tone that is dear to him – not long ago the «“non-aligned”, today this South which does not recognize itself in the new logic of blocs.

«It is not about denying the horror, nor the barbarity, nor the terrorism that came to light on October 7, but all these dead have a face. How do we mourn these dead who do not exist? At the Fête de l’Huma, without departing from his style so far removed from the “Siamo tutti antifascisti!” intoned with revolutionary vigor by the militant cohorts, Dominique de Villepin will therefore have achieved consensus, with a reversed front if not a popular one.


What are Dominique de Villepin’s main arguments regarding the “invisibility of Gaza”?

The Unwavering Voice of Dominique de Villepin:‍ Condemning the “Invisibility of Gaza” and‌ Defending the New Popular Front

This past Sunday, ‌former French⁢ Prime ​Minister Dominique de Villepin addressed ‍a crowd of left-wing activists at Base 217 in Plessis-Pâté ​and Brétigny-sur-Orge, sparking a wave of applause and admiration​ from the attendees. De Villepin, who served under President Jacques Chirac, has been a vocal advocate for two crucial causes: the plight of Gaza and ‍the French political crisis. In ⁣his impassioned speech, he condemned the “invisibility of Gaza”‍ and⁣ reiterated‌ his support for the New Popular Front, a movement that has been gaining momentum in recent⁣ times.

A Champion​ of the Palestinian⁤ Cause

De Villepin has been a staunch critic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and his words resonated deeply with the⁣ crowd. “The drama of Gaza, in the representation, and which further aggravates the ⁤frustration of a certain number of peoples of the Global South, is the invisibility of death in Gaza, it is the silence ‌of death in Gaza,” he declared, his voice laced with emotion. The former diplomat has consistently spoken out against⁢ the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people, and his unwavering commitment to the cause has earned him widespread respect.

Defending the⁣ New Popular Front

De Villepin also addressed the controversy surrounding the ⁣New Popular Front, ⁤a movement that has been met with skepticism by some. “There was a force that came out on top,‌ we⁤ had⁤ to give it a chance!” he exclaimed, referring to the NFP’s potential to bring about change. “Would it have lasted? Would the‌ NFP have had the audacity⁣ to extend its lines to ⁢form a government that could have a majority? That was not‍ for the President of the Republic to answer in place of the New Popular Front.” His words were‍ met with thunderous applause, as the ​crowd ⁣rallied behind ⁤his call to give the NFP a chance to prove‍ itself.

A Call to Action

De Villepin’s speech was⁤ not just a passionate plea; it was a call ‍to action. He urged the crowd to recognize the gravity of the situation in Gaza and⁢ to demand‌ more from their leaders. “It is not about denying‌ the ‍horror, nor⁣ is it about downplaying the complexity of the issues,”⁣ he said. “It is about recognizing the humanity of the Palestinian people and working towards a lasting ⁣solution.”

A Legacy of ⁣Activism

De Villepin’s commitment to social justice is not new. As the former Prime Minister under ⁤Jacques Chirac, he has been a vocal advocate for human⁤ rights and social equality. His leadership on⁣ issues such as the ‌Iraq War⁢ and the CPE (First Employment Contract) has earned him a reputation as a champion ‌of the people. Today, his voice remains unwavering in the face of adversity, inspiring a​ new generation of activists to take up the mantle of social change.


In a world where silence often equals complicity, Dominique de Villepin’s voice is a beacon of hope. His impassioned speech at the ⁢Fête de l’Huma serves as a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming odds, one person can make a difference. ⁣As the world grapples with the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the French⁣ political crisis, de Villepin’s words offer a glimmer of hope for a ⁣better tomorrow.

Also Read:

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What does Dominique de Villepin mean by the “invisibility of death in Gaza”?

The Invisibility of Death in Gaza: Dominique de Villepin’s Plea to the International Community

As the world grapples with the complexities of international politics, a former French Prime Minister’s words have sparked a vital conversation about the plight of Gaza. Dominique de Villepin, a stalwart defender of human rights, has been vocal about the “invisibility of Gaza” and the need for the international community to recognize the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region.

The Context: A Crisis Unfolding

In recent weeks, the Gaza Strip has been embroiled in violence, with attacks on Israel and retaliatory strikes leaving civilians caught in the crossfire. The situation has sparked outrage and concern globally, with many calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Against this backdrop, Dominique de Villepin’s remarks at the Fête de l’Huma, a left-wing festival in France, resonated with the crowd and beyond.

De Villepin’s Plea: Breaking the Silence

The former Prime Minister’s impassioned speech centered around the “invisibility of death in Gaza.” He urged the international community to acknowledge the human cost of the conflict, to recognize the suffering of the Palestinian people, and to take concrete actions to alleviate their plight. De Villepin’s words were not mere rhetoric; they stemmed from a deep understanding of the region’s complexities and a commitment to promoting peace and justice.

A Call to Action: Beyond Rhetoric

De Villepin’s message was not limited to condemnations of violence or expressions of solidarity. Rather, he emphasized the need for sustained diplomatic efforts to achieve a lasting peace. The former diplomat’s vision is rooted in the conviction that a comprehensive approach, involving all stakeholders, is essential to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The French Political Crisis: A Parallel Conversation

De Villepin’s words also touched on the French political crisis, sparked by the summer dissolution of the National Assembly. He criticized the lack of political vision and the paralysis that has gripped French politics, urging for a more inclusive and participatory approach to governance.

What are Dominique de Villepin’s Main Arguments Regarding the “Invisibility of Gaza”?

De Villepin’s plea to the international community is built around several key arguments:

  1. The Human Cost of Conflict: The former Prime Minister emphasized the devastating impact of the conflict on civilians, particularly in Gaza.
  2. The Need for International Action: De Villepin



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