Domination Campaign – A Storm Of Steel

2024-01-12 08:00:07

(c) Domination Campaign

When Jason Peppiatt isn’t shouting everything into the ground for Psycroptic, he plays in a small but very nice sideshow. Where the main band focuses on technical extremes Domination Campaign on the old death metal school with a definitely British focus. Bandmate Joe Haley was brought in for drums, recording, mixing and mastering, and he is also showing off his passion here with growing enthusiasm. „A Storm Of Steel“ was already written shortly following the release of the first film and confidently continues on the chosen path.

In eight oppressive, thunderous chapters, the Tasmanian duo greets Bolt Thrower and Deicide, among others. The name of the opener says it all: “Time To Die” gets off to a furious start, damn heavy and repeatedly breaking out of the suggested mid-tempo sector. Peppiatt seems hoarse and angry, Haley tans the skins with thunderous precision, and the finest melodic approaches – the big innovation of this album – creep in. Afterwards, “The Iron Beast” plays with the art form of caesura, short and yet so damn effective, while the putrid riff celebrates the transition to the 90s in steely death style.

In general, this album is a triumph of extreme metal, accompanied by warlike-historical themes that are often reminiscent of Hail Of Bullets. For example, “141 Days Of Terror” deals with the Battle of the Somme, one of the largest Western Front battles of the First World War. The fact that every reef contains incredible power, desperation and destructiveness fits into the picture. The title of “D-Day” already reveals what it’s regarding. Domination Campaign play at a changing tempo, letting the guitars cut while the voluminously produced drums land one direct hit following the next.

You can’t really get away from these 34 minutes anyway, because pretty much everything is right here. Songwriting, production, presentation – everything fits together seamlessly and radiates power, energy and heaviness. It’s hardly surprising that there are real veterans behind Domination Campaign, but the fact that Psycroptic members are at work here is surprising. “A Storm Of Steel” relies on straightforward, frontal production without unnecessarily dulling or simplifying. Pressing, multi-layered death metal of the old school drives through your heart and soul – a strong second album from start to finish that can even compete with the main band.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: January 12, 2024
Available via: Prosthetic Records (Cargo Records)


Slider-Pic (c) Domination Campaign

Tags: a storm of steel, death metal, domination campaign, featured, full-image, review

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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