Dollar in Peru closes higher today, how much does it cost you?

Today, tuesday april 5the dollar in Peru closed the exchange session presenting a strong rise.

Next we show you the dollar exchange rate in the interbank market and the price for sale in money changers and financial entities.

How much is the dollar today in Peru

The Central Reserve Bank (BCR) reported that the exchange rate went from S/ 3,644 to S/ 3,699 at the interbank level at the close of the day.

During the morning price of greenback maintained its upward trend for the second consecutive day, rising to S/ 3.70 in the interbank market, that is, between banks and investors.

With these increases, the dollar it rose more than 1.30% in Peru, amid the uncertainty reported in the exchange session.

Despite this, the BCR calculates that so far in 2022 the exchange rate still accumulates a decline of 7.32% when compared to the price registered at the end of 2021.

On a global level, the agency indicated that the currencies of Latin America showed losses once morest the dollar.

On this day, world markets were attentive to a possible announcement of new economic sanctions once morest Russiafollowing reporting the killings of civilians in Ukraine.

“The Bucha massacre has marked a turning point in Russia’s war once morest Ukraine (…) The good news is that the negotiators of both countries have continued the talks to try to put an end to the armed conflict,” CI Banco said in a report.

At the local level, uncertainty is reported following President Pedro Castillo imposed a compulsory social immobilization in Lima and Callao, following protests once morest rising fuel and fertilizer costs that have spread throughout the country.

Only with this day of paralysis, the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL) estimates that the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) loses around S / 1,000 million.

The political tensions increase, and would generate an image of greater instability before international investors.

“Riesgo Peru rises in the international market, wholesale political uncertainty and economic. Credit default swaps (CDS) at 5 years rose from 75.6 bps to 81.1 bps today,” said the general manager of Kallpa SAB, Alberto Arispe.

Dollar price for buying and selling

The platform, how much is the, indicates that in moneychangers the dollar the dollar is bought at S/ 3.63 and sold at S/ 3.72 on average.

In the digital exchange houses the green ticket is bought at approximately S/ 3.68 and is sold at regarding S/ 3.72.

While in the banks It is estimated that the purchase price of the dollar is between S/ 3.59 and S/ 3.70 and for sale it is between S/ 3.73 and S/ 3.86.



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