Doing IUI improves your chances of getting pregnant. For those who are infertile?

making IUI Helping to increase the chances of pregnancy for infertile?

It must have been a little distressing when a woman who wanted to have children so much but had a hard time. Therefore, relying on the help of medical science is what many families decide to do. and one of them that is highly recommended ismaking IUI How to increase your chances of getting pregnant as reliable as other forms of pregnancy But some people may not have known before. and want to know what it is how to help Let’s study these information together.

making IUI What is it? Who is suitable for this method??

IUI is the use of medical technology to help treat women who are infertile. which is not related to age factor. by injecting semen into the uterine cavity on the day of ovulation Such sperm will be carefully selected following being selected and injected and then run directly into the uterus.

In principle, a small plastic tube is inserted through the cervix. then injected The germs that run on the day of ovulation will enter the fallopian tubes. and more easily mixed with female eggs Therefore, it is another way to cause pregnancy easier than the general natural. Which asks who is suitable for this treatment?? Of course, it must be the one

  • have cervical problems or cervical stenosis
  • The fallopian tubes must be normal on both sides, or at least on one side.
  • Age must be less than 30 years because the older you get, the success of having children decreases accordingly.
  • People with chronic infertility also known as PCOS
  • If a man is suitable for doing It must have a strong sperm. and more than 5 million

the reason for doing IUI Gaining trust increases your chances of getting pregnant.

Actually doing IUI has people interested. Trust yourself to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Because the reason is that the success achieved is actually 3-5 times more than having a natural child. Each injection has a success rate of 10-15%, depending on other factors as well, such as endometrium. Froth eggs, sperm by number and sperm quality will be better when using this method because

  • Reduces the swimming distance of the infection. make it reach the egg duct faster
  • Inoculation increases the number of bacteria that swim into the fallopian tubes. Because most of the infection will die in the vagina.
  • Inoculate on the day of ovulation The chances of fertilization with the number of eggs are greater.
  • have good sperm screening quality before injection The chances of fertilization and embedding are high.
  • Accurate ovulation schedule Because the drug is used to help ovulate, along with the appropriate period of inoculation.
  • Each cycle in which the vaccination It will be ultrasound to track the thickness of the lining. If an inappropriate thickness is found, it will be corrected immediately. making the chances of pregnancy higher than before

Preparation before and following the treatment

For preparing before and following IUI, it’s really not that difficult. It is recommended that before undergoing treatment, both females and males must eat a complete diet of 5 pigs and supplement with appropriate vitamins. exercise regularly should rest enough The sleep must be at least 8 hours a day and strictly follow the doctor’s orders.

Anyone who smokes or drinks alcohol must refrain first. for the body to respond to hormones and the treatment will be more effective

The post-IUI advice is for women to lie down for 30 minutes before going home. and must refrain from having sex following having been injected for 1 – 2 days

making process IUI Is it difficult to do?

For anyone who is interested in knowing the process of doing IUI, let me tell you that it’s not as difficult as you think. It is a study to prepare beforehand as well.

1. The doctor will give medication to stimulate the ovaries. This is either taking or injecting at the discretion of the doctor. Some people may use both methods at all. The initiation of the drug is during the 3rd – 5th day of menstruation. It will be used for 5 consecutive days to make the eggs grow and have 1 – 3 eggs per cycle.

2. There will be a vaginal ultrasound examination. or a blood test during ovulation as well to assess the response and the growth of the egg

3. When the size of the egg is 12 – 20 millimeters, it is considered appropriate. Then ovulation is induced with hormonal drugs, 35-40 hours later, the egg will actually ovulate.

4. Inject sperm into the uterine cavity on the day of ovulation. Which requires sperm through the selection of standard methods in the laboratory.

5. At the end of sperm injection into the uterine cavity There will be drugs to enhance the function of the endometrium. Then make an appointment to take a pregnancy test regarding 2 weeks later.

It can be seen that IUI is a natural way of injecting the infection into the body. But the chances of getting addicted are higher than normal methods. However, it can still be done easily and uncomplicated, adding convenience for all families who want to have children. And the cost is not very high either. Most importantly, the cumulative pregnancy rate is very good. If you want to have a baby that you can choose, you won’t be disappointed.



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