The first pet is positive on monkey pox been tested. The infected Italian greyhound from France is the first confirmed case worldwide – it probably got infected from its owners. So far, this type of transmission has only been discussed in the scientific community as a theoretical risk, Rosamund Lewis, technical director for monkeypox control at the World Health Organization, told CNN.
in one Report from the medical journal The Lancet It is said that the dog also showed monkeypox symptoms such as the characteristic skin pustules and tears in the anal mucosa twelve days following the infected owners developed symptoms. A PCR test carried out was positive. It is said that the Italian greyhound lives in the household of a homosexual couple who also have sexual acquaintances outside of their partnership.
The virus is usually transmitted through close physical contact and bodily fluids. The possibility of sexual transmission is under investigation as the current outbreak appears to be focused on men who would have sex with men, the journal writes.
The couple slept in a bed with their four-year-old dog. According to the report, since the appearance of their own symptoms, the men have taken care that the dog does not come into contact with other pets or people.
The researchers wrote: “To our knowledge, the kinetics of symptom onset in both patients and subsequently in their dog suggest human-to-canine transmission of monkeypox virus. Given the dog’s skin and mucosal lesions, as well as positive PCR results from anal and buccal swabs for monkeypox virus, we believe this is a genuine canine disease and not a simple transmission of the virus through close human contact or through the air (or both). Our results should prompt a debate regarding the need to isolate pets from monkeypox virus-positive individuals.” So far, possible transmission has only been known in wild animals, they say.