Dog catches monkeypox from his master

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The monkeypox virus has been detected in a dog for the first time in France following both of their owners contracted the disease. This is reported by French scientists in the specialist journal The Lancet.

First, the two masters became infected with the monkeypox virus

As the team led by infectiologist Sophie Seang reports, a gay couple living in a non-monogamous relationship visited the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris in June 2022. Both had discovered the pustules typical of monkeypox six days following having sex outside of their relationship.

monkey pox: The most important questions and answers

A PCR test finally confirmed that they had contracted monkeypox. As the DNA sequencing of the samples showed, the two men had been infected with different strains of pathogens.

After twelve days, the two men’s dog also had monkeypox symptoms

Twelve days following the first symptoms appeared, the two men also noticed the typical pustules on their dog, an Italian greyhound, on the stomach and anus, among other things. He was then also tested for monkeypox – the test was positive.

Further investigation revealed that he was infected with the same variant of monkeypox as one of his masters. The couple said they slept in the same bed with their dog. Since the onset of the symptoms, they have made sure that their dog does not come into contact with other pets or people.

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Seang’s team suspects that the monkeypox virus was transmitted from humans to dogs. It can be assumed that it is “a real canine disease and not a simple transmission of the virus through close contact with humans or through the air,” it said.

In the US, the CDC is already recommending the pets of people who are at monkey pox are ill should also be isolated. In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute also recommends keeping your distance from animals if you are infected.



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