2023-07-31 07:49:26
July 31, 2023
Did you know that your dog or cat particularly dreads the summer period? And for good reason, he sees in this season, the risks to his health, multiply. What are they ? How to apprehend them? Answers.
Heat stroke. As is the case for his master, your four-legged friend fears heatstroke. Several factors expose it to this risk. First, the fact that he stayed in a car in the sun or with little ventilation. Know that in summer, the temperature in the passenger compartment of a car can reach and exceed 40°C in less than ten minutes. In the event of a heat wave, the mercury can rise to around… 60°C in just fifteen minutes. Another factor: having subjected it to intense and/or prolonged exercise. And once more, having left him outside for too long, without him having the possibility of getting in the shade and hydrating himself.
Seawater… Don’t let your dog or cat drink seawater! The main risk: salt poisoning! Not to mention that the combination of sand, sea water and wind or sun can cause irritation, especially in the eyes and pads. The latter are also exposed to the risk of burns.
Spikelet “attack”. Another danger that he may encounter this time during a walk in the forest: the spikelet. In other words, the ” small spike of flowers directly inserted on a main axis, thus forming a compound spike, as in grasses (says the Larousse). This will attach itself to your companion’s coat and then is likely to embed itself in the pads, ears, nose, eyes, anus… And turn into a formidable foreign body.
Stings and other bites… Bees, wasps, hornets: dogs and cats are of course exposed to their stings. In the same way as the bites of snakes, vipers and other ticks. So, beyond its tone of course, take care to regularly inspect its hair. And if in doubt, contact a veterinarian.
Source : Ministry of the Interior and Overseas – University of Montreal – National Veterinary School of Alfort. Thesis for the doctorate. Sophie Dupuis. Parasitic and infectious diseases, risks of envenomation and other environmental risks incurred by dogs when traveling in southern Europe. February 15, 2018
Written by : David Picot – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet
#Dog #cat #risky #summer #Headlines