Does walking barefoot on grass have positive effects on health? – Life & Style

Morning walk is very beneficial for human health when the air is free from pollution. But if the morning walk or walking is done on green grasses and that too with bare feet, then it has many benefits. Walking barefoot on grass is bad for your health.

Health experts say that if a person becomes aware of the benefits of walking on Koninge pirghas and gets used to it, he will not get the comfort he feels while walking with bare feet even when wearing shoes or slippers.

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People take long walks as exercise to reduce body calories but wearing heavy shoes and socks. This walk is effective, but experts believe that if you walk barefoot for ten to fifteen minutes on fresh dewy grass in the morning, then this walk becomes more effective. Therefore, one should walk barefoot on the grass for ten to fifteen minutes in the morning. Because walking barefoot not only has a pleasant effect on mental health, but also improves health by relieving physical stress, muscle tension and overall fatigue. The longer and more you are surrounded by greenery, the healthier and less stressed you will be. Walking barefoot on grass gradually reduces muscle tension and reduces stress.

Walking barefoot on grass also improves blood circulation in the body and improves eyesight. According to experts, diabetic patients should especially take such a walk. Because walking and sitting barefoot on green grass is considered very good for diabetics. Diabetic patients can get rid of the problem if they take regular deep breaths in the midst of greenery and take a walk, then the problem can be solved by supplementing the oxygen in the body.

People who have respiratory problems and have trouble breathing can also find a solution to this energy problem by walking barefoot on grass. There are actually many reflux zones in the feet. When these reflex zones come in contact with grass, there is a slight pressure on them and this pressure activates the reflux zones without causing any damage. These zones are directly connected to the eyes, lungs, mouth, stomach, brain and kidneys. is In this way these parts are exercised.

Also, it flushes out negative energy from our body. When we walk barefoot on grass, the magnetic energy of the earth pulls the negative energy out of the soles.

It is very beneficial for pregnant women to walk barefoot on the grass early in the morning, as they need more vitamin D during this time. Vitamin D is abundant in the morning sun and there is no pollution and other harmful elements. Therefore, walking barefoot on the grass early in the morning is most beneficial.

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2024-09-02 00:18:23



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