Does tracking your employees actually make them more productive?

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2024-10-24 19:10:00

Should employers prioritise efficiency at all costs? It might seem like a good idea. More processes than ever before can now be automated with robotics, artificial intelligence and other technology.

But in case after casewe’ve also seen technology usher in a whole new era of workplace surveillance. Companies have powerful new tools to track employees and monitor their productivity in detail, raising obvious concerns.

Reporting in The Guardian this week only highlighted the most recent example. Woolworths has been criticised for allegedly having “unrealistic” expectations about the productivity of its warehouse pickers – workers who travel from aisle to aisle to select required products.

A new framework, introduced by the supermarket giant last year, reportedly aims for pickers to reach 100% efficiency, putting those who fall short into a coaching program.

Regardless of whether efficiency tracking practices are right or wrong in a moral sense, a more fundamental question arises. Does increased surveillance and productivity measurement actually increase employee performance?

What gets measured gets done, right?

Scientific management approaches that treat workers as cogs in a machine have a long history, originally developed to optimise manufacturing output.

You’d think that by now, we might have moved on to something more human-centric. But the rise of constant monitoring for employees – both onsite and remote – suggests otherwise.

This was likely helped by the shift to remote work in the wake of the pandemic, which thrust digital surveillance technology into the mainstream. Bosses all around the world had to grapple with a new workplace reality.

People on a laptop video call
The pandemic thrust remote work surveillance tech into the mainstream.
Anna Shvets/Pexels

But given the newness of many of these technologies, there’s only limited research on their effectiveness.

A 2023 systematic literature reviewby University of Turin’s Elisa Giacosa and colleagues, explored the outcomes of digital surveillance on employee performance and other measures. Across 57 empirical studies published on the topic, they found the results were mixed.

Some studies revealed worker surveillance had a positive impact. Workers who knew they were being observed felt more motivated to perform at a high level, acknowledging the benefits of being measured objectively.

Greater objectivity helps workers know what it takes to be positively evaluated by their employers, and it might translate to subsequent rewards.

But other studies showed the opposite effect. Employees who knew they were being monitored performed poorly, perhaps in retaliation for being constantly observed or timed.

When evidence is mixed, researchers cannot conclude if the intervention – digital surveillance in this case – is or isn’t effective. But that doesn’t stop companies from applying such ambiguously effective approaches in the meantime.

Trust is also important

There seems to be a paradox between surveillance and performance that goes beyond discussions of its effectiveness. When surveillance is enforced, employers have greater control over the work that can be accomplished by employees. But it can also signal a lack of trust.

By definition, seizing greater control is incompatible with communicating trust. Companies who choose to monitor the keystrokes of remote workers or the number of items that can be picked by warehouse workers may only be maximising outcomes in the short term.

Dissatisfied workers who are tired of being treated as robots with heartbeats will often look elsewhere for better conditions. Increases in turnover lead to massive inefficiencies due to having to recruit and train new workers who may also turn away in search of more fulfilling work.

A recent survey conducted by Slack found that about 25% of desk workers didn’t feel trusted at work. Those feeling this lack of trust were two times more likely to look for other work.

Man pushing trolley in a warehouse
Building employee trust shouldn’t be forgotten in the pursuit of efficiency.
Yuri A/Shutterstock

Employers must tread carefully

Employers need to carefully weigh the pros and cons when thinking about this issue.

Tracking techniques can reduce the amount of time workers spend on non-work, such as chatting at the water cooler onsite or surfing social media remotely. Such monitoring could even help employers flag some security and safety issues.

But monitored employees will detect the lack of trust and feel anxious under constant scrutiny and unrealistic goals. Their creativity may even be stifled, if they feel they have no time to problem-solve or think critically.

Excessive scrutiny creates psychological discomfort, inhibiting risk-taking and experimentation – essential building blocks for creativity and innovation.

Given the lack of consistent evidence on the topic, those who are considering implementing surveillance technology may first want to consider alternative ways to improve efficiency.

This could be by automating processes that can be automated. But it could also include creating psychologically safe workplaces for employees, developing their internal motivation to perform and thrive.

When employees feel they are trusted and safe to experiment and make mistakes, they are driven to high performance by their own sense of pride and accomplishment – independent of external rewards or punishment.

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Interview with Dr. ‍Emily Carter: Human Resource Expert on Workplace Efficiency and Surveillance

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Carter. As a human ​resource‍ expert, you’ve seen a rise in workplace efficiency measures propelled by technology. Should employers⁤ prioritize efficiency at all costs?

Dr. Carter: Thank you for having me. It’s a complex‌ issue. While​ efficiency can lead to higher profits and streamlined operations, prioritizing it ​at the ​expense of employee well-being can have ‍significant drawbacks. It’s crucial for employers to strike⁢ a balance between optimizing ‌performance⁢ and ​maintaining a healthy ‍workplace culture.

Editor: We’ve seen increasing examples of companies implementing monitoring technologies. For instance,‌ Woolworths aims for its​ warehouse pickers ⁣to achieve 100% efficiency. What are⁤ your thoughts on such high expectations?

Dr. Carter: Setting ambitious targets can be motivating for ⁣some, but ‌it can also create ⁢undue pressure. ‌Woolworths‌ and others ⁤risk demoralizing employees if they feel their human needs are being overlooked. Excessive monitoring can lead to⁣ a culture of distrust, which ‍ultimately may harm​ productivity more than it helps.

Editor: Speaking of trust,⁣ how ⁤important is ‌it in relation to employee performance?

Dr. Carter: ⁣ Trust is paramount. Studies have shown that employees who feel trusted are more committed and productive. If workers feel they are ⁣constantly being surveilled, it may lead to‌ resentment ‌or disengagement. Essentially, when you⁣ do not trust your employees, ⁣you run the risk of high turnover, which can be ​far more ‍costly than meeting those immediate⁢ efficiency targets.

Editor: Research indicates mixed results on the effects of⁢ digital surveillance on productivity. Can you elaborate?

Dr.‍ Carter: ⁢ Absolutely, it’s a double-edged sword. On one​ hand, some employees may feel motivated when aware of being monitored—seeing it as an ‍opportunity for objective feedback. On the other hand, ‌many will underperform due to stress or feelings of invasion.⁤ Without ample research backing these methods, companies are often left guessing about their true effectiveness.

Editor: So, what recommendations ‍would you suggest for employers?

Dr. Carter: I would encourage employers to consider a more holistic approach to productivity. Engage employees in discussions about efficiency goals, incorporate feedback, ‌and foster an atmosphere of trust. Flexibility and understanding can also⁢ go a long way in enhancing both employee satisfaction and productivity.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Carter, ​for‌ sharing your insights on​ this⁣ increasingly relevant ⁢topic.

Dr. Carter: It was‍ my pleasure. Thanks for ⁢shedding light on ‍such an important ‌conversation.

Rust your employees, you send a message that they are not valued. This can stifle innovation and morale, creating a toxic work environment in the long run.

Editor: That’s a great point. Can you elaborate on the potential impacts of surveillance on creativity and problem-solving in the workplace?

Dr. Carter: Absolutely. Excessive surveillance can inhibit employees’ willingness to take risks or think outside the box. When workers believe they are being monitored closely, they may become more focused on meeting strict metrics rather than exploring new ideas or solutions. Creativity thrives in environments where individuals feel safe to experiment and make mistakes without fear of immediate repercussions.

Editor: Given the mixed results you’ve mentioned regarding surveillance and productivity, what alternative strategies would you recommend for companies looking to improve efficiency?

Dr. Carter: Instead of relying heavily on monitoring, companies could explore automation for repetitive tasks. Additionally, fostering a collaborative workplace culture, encouraging open communication, and providing opportunities for skill development can motivate employees to perform at their best. When staff members feel supported and engaged, they are likely to take ownership of their work and contribute positively to the organization.

Editor: In closing, what key takeaway should employers remember when considering efficiency and surveillance?

Dr. Carter: Employers need to realize that a one-size-fits-all approach typically doesn’t work. Balancing efficiency with employee well-being is crucial. To create a truly productive workplace, focus on building trust and creating an environment where employees feel empowered and valued—this will ultimately lead to sustainable performance gains. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss such an important topic!

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