“Does the Voters’ Opinion Count for Anything?” –

Gabriel Imperial

Giovanni Toti weighs in on the Arianna Meloni case. The now ex-governor of the Liguria region, who for months has been involved in a legal case that led to his resignation from his role, took to his social media profile and had his say on the political controversies surrounding the sister of the Prime Minister and head of the political secretariat of Fratelli d’Italia, Arianna Meloni, and on the possibility of an investigation into her for influence peddling. “There is no doubt that director Sallusti writes well-founded news on the front page of “Il Giornale”. His experience and professionalism are beyond doubt – he begins – I am surprised by the reaction of the parties. Arianna Meloni is accused, by politicians for now, we will see if also by the judiciary, of having been involved in nominations and designations at the top of state-owned companies”.

Shadows of investigations on Arianna Meloni. The Prime Minister: A pattern already seen with Berlusconi

This is the point for Toti, who then addresses his followers directly: “Excuse me, but who should appoint the top management of those companies if not the person who won the elections? Who should take care of it if not the head of the political secretariat of the winning party? We live in a democracy! Does the opinion of the voters count for something or does it count for nothing?” For the former governor, the problem would be at the root of the affair: “If someone voted for a law that prevents a party representative from discussing, negotiating and choosing those appointments, they made a big mistake – he thunders – Let’s change that law and many others that prevent politics from doing its job”.

Arianna Meloni, Palamara: That triangle between some judges, politics and a certain press

For Toti, the very dignity of the voters is in danger: “Whoever wins the elections chooses who runs the country’s ganglia and, if he makes the wrong choice, the voters will judge him at the ballot box and no one else! – recalls the former MEP who then closes his post – We want to change the laws that Parliament has culpably approved and restore dignity to the popular will. This way there will be no investigations to be outraged about. Let’s start looking at the moon and not at the finger”.

#Voters #Opinion #Count #Tempo
2024-08-20 10:09:40



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