Does the train go west or east? Look at the photo and give the correct answer to this visual riddle | MEXICO

This is a logic puzzle where you must not find the error or the difference of any word or object. To solve this test you need a lot of concentration and try to answer which way the train is going, west or east? This question was resolved by few followers.

Well, some of these challenges involve a high level of difficulty and only those who have great visual ability and more than that, those who have a higher level of intelligence, are able to find the solution. So we find this logic puzzle that will force you, even if you don’t want to, to use your cognitive abilities to the maximum. Are you ready?

Well, in the image we see a shepherdess with her dog and in the background a train going in a direction that until now we don’t know which one it is. From here you should pay attention to the premise of the logic puzzle. Read carefully:

In the image you see a part of the East-West train (from the northern hemisphere). In this part, the direction of the road coincides with the direction of the date shown: the ends of the arrow point to the west and east. Observing the image, answer the question that is formulated in this logic puzzle: Where is the train going? To the east or to the west?

Image of logic puzzle

Look closely and try to figure out which direction the train is going. To the west or east? | Photo:

Logic puzzle solution

After having analyzed in detail and read, perhaps several times, the premise of the logic puzzle, have you already found the answer? Which way do you think the train is headed? Then we will show you the solution: The snow has not melted yet, it is on the north slope. Therefore, the train moves from west to east.

What is the origin of visual puzzles?

Visual puzzles were created for the purpose of entertaining people. They gained popularity on social networks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as many users, in their eagerness to avoid contagion, stayed in their respective homes. That is where they saw challenges as entertainment alternatives. Today, these challenges are everywhere.

Do you want to participate in another visual puzzle?

This visual puzzle has amused many people, but believe us when we tell you that it’s not the only one out there. If you want to participate in another challenge, we inform you that in Depor we have released quite a few. They all have the same goal: to entertain people.

More logic puzzles to test your abilities



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