Does taking a cold shower make you lose weight?

2023-07-05 06:41:00

Cold water, an ally to lose fat?

According to a study published on PubMed, “cold showers might lead to a change in weight or fat distribution in the body. The cold will mobilize the brown fat and melt it in a few minutes (source 1)”. And this brown fat or brown adipose tissue is precisely the one that we might well want to eliminate, being located mainly at the top abdomen and neck. Another clinical study from Quebec and Sherbrooke completes: “brown fat in humans can burn a significant amount of energy already stored in other fats when the body is exposed to cold” (source 2). And who says “burn energy says” burn calories “….In In this sense, we might therefore say that a good cold shower contributes to weight loss.

How many calories do you burn when you take a cold shower?

While some health professionals such as Doctor Frédéric Saldmann believe that a cold shower at 20°C would allow you to lose on average between 100 to 200 calories in two to three minutes, this amount of energy is still rather low if it is taken compared to any form of physical activity. One hour of jogging (10 km/h) will, for example, burn between 700 and 900 calories and around 400 calories for one hour of basketball (source 3).

What are the other benefits of cold water on the figure?

Fight once morest orange peel

“Compared to hot water, cold water promotes tightening of pores and stimulates blood circulatione, thus improving venous return. The skin is then more toned and its appearance firmer, which helps to fight once morest cellulite” indicates Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist.


Despite the grimaces caused by its contact, the cold would have the gift of “making us happier by triggering the endorphin secretionwhich are the hormones of happiness” reports Frédéric Saldmann, cardiologist and nutritionist, to our colleagues from 20 minutes. And who says well-being, says well in his body!

Cold shower every day at home, how to proceed?

To take advantage of the virtues of cold water, there is no point in rushing. Start by showering with hot water (which, as a reminder, should not exceed 38°C) and gradually lower the temperature of the water. Direct the jet on your legs, then go up until immersing the whole body” explains the dietician-nutritionist Alexandra Murcier. You will have understood it: the secret lies in the fact ofgo little by littleat the risk of not wanting to repeat the experience.

How often and for how long to shower in cold water?

Twice a day, between 3 and 5 minutes:

The cold shower in the morning will tend to tone up to start the day well and in the evening, the cold water will be appreciated to relieve heavy legs if it has been hot or if you have been standing for a long time. Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist.

Are there any health risks in taking a shower with cold or even icy water?

Although cold showers have many health benefits, they can also carry some risks. In fact, according to the Montreal Heart Institute, cold can be associated with an increase in cardiac symptoms (angina, arrhythmias) and an increased incidence of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. “Even in healthy volunteers, the simple act of dipping the hand into cold water while holding the breath can cause cardiac arrhythmias (nodal and supraventricular tachycardias) (source 4). In addition, it will be important not to do not take a cold shower immediately following prolonged exposure to heat, at the risk of causing thermal shock.It will also be essential not to stay too long in the cold shower as this can cause hypothermia….But rest assured you will realize it long before if it happens.
Finally, if you have any pre-existing health conditions, it will be recommended to consult a doctor before starting to shower with cold water.

In the end: is the cold shower really indicated for losing weight?

“Not really. There are other more profitable reflexes to act in terms of weight, such as getting off a metro station before the usual one to walk a little more or adopting a healthy and balanced diet” specifies Alexandra Murcier, dietitian -nutritionist.

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