Many people wonder what is the best time to exercise? Well, if it is regarding losing weight and if a time is suggested that can help this, many would make the effort to do physical activity at the time when they can obtain better and faster results. Nevertheless, the last two investigations that were carried out in the United States and Israel yielded different results.
For adults ages 18 to 64, The World Health Organization recommends dedicating at least 150 minutes a week to moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity. o 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic physical activity each week, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activities.
The first research was conducted by the University of California at Irvine (USA), and threw that the best time to exercise is the morning following waking up.
The study assured that this would be the perfect time to activate and speed up the metabolism. Also to improve mood and reduce stress. Starting the day with some sport will make the body produce dopamine, serotonin and endorphins; the hormones of happiness that will help the person feel good for the rest of the day.
However, if it is uncomfortable for some to get up early to go to work or study, it will be even more uncomfortable to do physical activity, which is why scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel They assure that the best time to exercise is not the morning, it is the followingnoon or the first hours of the night.
In his opinion, this is when physical activity is more efficient, because oxygen consumption is lower, the body has more strength and resistance and body temperature is higher, which causes the body to burn more calories.
These two investigations show that exercising in Both times of the day have their advantages and also their disadvantages.. The important thing is to develop the habit of sports and exercise at the time that best suits you. Coach Cesc Escolá, author of the book Much more than fitnessassured that the schedules to practice exercise vary in each person depending on their time and objectives.
“There are people who wake up very active and who like to train before starting the working day. Others take advantage of the midday stop to escape to the gym. There are also those who prefer to exercise late in the followingnoon, to unload the stress of the day and disconnect”.
Advantages of training in the morning
1. Help establish a routine and to avoid not complying with the exercise, due to lack of time or exhaustion at the end of the day.
2. Improves the sleep cycle. Getting up early can be difficult, but it is a great help in promoting the circadian rhythm that makes the body alert in the morning and tired at night. Which will help you sleep better.
3. Burn more fat. Training fasted burns more fat than training following a meal, because the body uses fat stores to perform the activity.
4. Increase energy. Exercising once you wake up helps you be more alert during the day and promotes concentration.
Advantages of training in the followingnoon
1. Physical performance is better. Muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance are better at night than in the morning. According to the latest research, those who exercise at night take up to 20% longer to reach the point of exhaustion.
2. Less heating is needed. The body has already warmed up throughout the day.
3. Relieve stress. The endorphins that are produced with sport will make you feel much more relaxed when you go to sleep.
4. Promotes healthy habits. The television will be changed to go to train and by avoiding screens before going to sleep and following exercising, you will be able to sleep more pleasantly.