Does ginger essential oil make you lose weight?

2023-06-06 09:57:55

Does ginger make you lose weight?

The ginger or Zingiber Officinale is a herbaceous plant. It is part of the Zingiberaceae family, native to Asia. What is she like ? It measures about one meter and has evergreen, lanceolate, long and fragrant leaves. Its flowers (resembling orchids) are white and yellow with a red border.

“Ginger is reputed to be digestive”, says Didier Pesoni, pharmacist specializing in aromatherapy. Her essential oil is made from the distillation of the rhizomes with steam.

Ginger essential oil, like any other essential oil, does not have the ability to make you lose weight! This is not a miracle product! On the other hand, in the context of an adapted slimming diet and accompanied by a regular physical activity, ginger essential oil can contribute to weight loss.

“Used in massage, it acts on cellulite”, specifies the pharmacist.

How to use ginger essential oil to lose weight?

Ginger essential oil can be used for reduce the desire to eat when a feeling of hunger arises. It can be used in three different ways.

In inhalation, a quick solution

When you’re “dying to snack” when it’s not mealtime: “drop a drop ginger essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe several times, recommends Evelyne Chartier”, aromatherapist.

Broadcasting, in the dining room

In order not to be (too) hungry, in the room where you take your meals, you can, 10 minutes before lunch or dinner, opt for the following mixture in a diffuser: “mix 2 drops of ginger essential oil with 2 drops of rosemary essential oil, 2 drops of clove essential oil and 8 drops of tangerine essential oil”, suggests the aromatherapist.

By mouth: to cut hunger instantly

A sudden urge to eat as a result of significant stress, boredom… In order not to crack, all you have to do is “place 1 drop of essential oil on the finger and pass it over the tongue while salivating well”advises the aromatherapist.

How to use ginger oil for the belly?

The belly is an area, like the thighs and buttocks, where cellulite is lodged. Ginger essential oil can therefore be used in massage against cellulite.

“Ginger essential oil increases the effectiveness of massages to fight cellulite,” explains Didier Pesoni, pharmacist specializing in aromatherapy.

How to use it ? “Mix 5 to 10 drops of ginger essential oil in 10 to 20 drops of a rich vegetable oil such as sweet almond rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins and which penetrates slowlydetails the pharmacist, or that of jojoba, which is, in fact, a nourishing wax and which is ideal for prolonged massages. »

To get a decrease in celluliteit is important to perform a long and deep massage, “because cellulite tends to come back!, warns Didier Pesoni. It is therefore necessary to massage at least 5 to 10 minutes by pressing hard enough and making circulatory movements or going back and forth with the thumb in order to go deep into the tissues. »

“This ginger essential oil massage can help you lose up to 2 cm in thigh circumference in around six weeks”, says the pharmacist.

Ginger essential oil and precautions for use

“Ginger essential oil is contraindicated in pregnant women and the nursing mothers, THE epileptic patients, THE asthma patients », notify the pharmacist. It is also not recommended for infants under 30 months, but they do not diet to lose weight!

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