Does fast phone charging really burn out cell phone batteries? Experts reveal the truth

2024-03-12 21:42:57

Currently, most smartphones that are available in the Colombian market have fast charging technology, which makes it possible to have the battery at 100% energy in almost an hour and even in less than 20 minutes.

Although this technology has become a great help to keep the phone powered, some users believe that this system can accelerate the degradation of the cell phone’s battery.

Cell phones with fast charging recover their energy in a few minutes. | Photo: Bing Image Creator

Does fast charging technology damage cell phone batteries?

Experts from Xiaomi, a smartphone manufacturer, explained to SEMANA that the fast charging system can only be used on a phone that is compatible with that technology. Therefore, if a user frequently connects a cell phone that does not support that system to a charger with fast charging, it is possible that the equipment will be damaged.

Added to this, specialists indicated that this technology has had significant improvements and this guarantees that today there is a faster and safer transfer of energy to guarantee that the useful life of the phone’s battery is not affected.

In which cases can fast charging burn a cell phone?

Experts point out that each phone is manufactured to support a specific type of fast charging, since today there are models that handle a power transfer of 120 W, 60 W or 30 W. Therefore, it is vital to always use the charger that comes with the equipment so as not to jeopardize the operation of the phone’s battery.

The use of pirated chargers can cause a cell phone to explode | Photo: Bing Image Creator

Frequently using a charger that handles 120 W fast charging, present in some Xiaomi models, on a cell phone that can withstand lower power, can cause the device to overheat and burn the battery or other internal component.

Don’t mid-range phones have fast charging?

It is important to note that fast charging technology is not an exclusive benefit for luxury phones, a good part of the mid-range cell phones that are available in the Colombian market have this technology.

Battery saving can restrict 5G networks. | Photo: Getty Images

However, it must be emphasized that each manufacturer manages a fast charging system with different characteristics, and therefore it is key for the user to check the capacity of a specific mid-range phone, so that they can be clear about the charging speed of the device. .

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