Does exercising before bed really disrupt our sleep?

2024-02-16 05:30:00

Is exercising less than two hours before going to bed such a bad idea? Insights with researchers Joy Perrier and Nicolas Bessot, authors of a study dedicated to the question.

Is a little jog before going to sleep such a good idea? The question of whether or not to exercise before going to bed regularly comes up in discussions regarding sleep. Two researchers in sleep physiology from the University and the Caen University Hospital looked into the question.

For, Joy Perrier and Nicolas Bessot review the conclusions of their study published in the scientific journal Frontiers. Result: they observe a “significant effect, a reduction in the quality of sleep” following doing sport, whether it is an endurance activity (running, cycling, etc.) or resistance, such as bodybuilding.

“We expected different physiological responses for these two types of activities. Our initial hypothesis was that resistance exercise should impact sleep less and even put it to sleep. But, in the end, this is not not at all what we found,” explains Professor Nicolas Bessot.

A “significant” but limited effect

When physical activity is practiced less than two hours before bedtime, a drop in sleep “efficiency” is visible, a calculation between “the time spent in bed and the time spent asleep”, summarizes Joy Perrier.

But is this “significant” effect very marked? “Sleep is less effective. But in terms of effect size, it is very very little, the effectiveness of sleep decreases by 1.5% which is nothing,” tempers the Caen researcher.

However, these conclusions cannot be extrapolated to people suffering from sleep disorders. The study was carried out on young adults with no identified problems.

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This effect being so “negligible”, it does not call into question the benefit-risk balance of late practice. “Our results show that the harmful effects are very limited, negligible, while we are well aware of the beneficial effects of sport on health,” recalls Nicolas Bessot, teacher in the STAPS sector.

In summary, any physical activity is good to take, even before going to bed… Or even in bed. Sexual intercourse has a “rather beneficial” effect on falling asleep due to the “strong secretion of endorphins”, laugh the two researchers – whose study did not take this type of effect into account. ‘activity.

#exercising #bed #disrupt #sleep



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