Does cannabis make the bed of insomnia?

The medical literature tells us that many young people have sleep disorders: it is disturbed in more than half of the students, nearly 20% of them even suffering from insomnia. Knowing that cannabis consumption is particularly high within this same age group of 18 to 25 years – nearly 14% say they consume it monthly and 4% daily -, a team of researchers from Inserm and university and the CHU of Bordeaux wanted to know if there was a correlation between these two phenomena.

twice as high

their study, published in “Psychiatry Research”, undoubtedly shows that this is indeed the case. The association highlighted – which, the researchers point out, does not necessarily have the value of a cause and effect link – applies above all to this particular form of sleep disorder that is insomnia. The likelihood of suffering from insomnia is 45% higher among cannabis users compared to non-users. And it is even twice as high among daily cannabis users compared to occasional or rare users… Enough to provide a new slogan for prevention campaigns: “Smoking or sleeping, you have to choose”?

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