Doel 4 is shut down until at least November 30

Doel 4 is shut down until at least November 30

2024-09-30 16:50:37

Doel 4 is shut down until at least November 30. The reactor dome frames are damaged. Additional inspections must be carried out.

Goal 4which like Tihange 3, must be extended for ten years, is at a standstill for maintenance since August 28. The restart was first postponed to October 23. Then, a few days ago, its operator pushed back its restart forecasts to November 30 in the Remit system, intended to inform market players, due to damage to the concrete reinforcements of the dome of the exterior enclosure, announced Le Soir this Monday.

“By drilling “manholes” into the exterior reactor enclosure, we noted damage. We must therefore verify the nature and extent of it.”

Olivier Desclée

Spokesperson for Engie Belgium

“As part of the LTO program (for long term operation, i.e. the ten-year extension of the life of the reactor, Editor’s note), we carried out additional inspections, by drilling ‘manholes’ into the exterior reactor enclosureand we have noted damage. We must therefore verify the nature and extent“, explains Oliver Desclée, spokesperson for Engie in Belgium.

No risk for the population

The AFCN, the nuclear safety watchdog, has been informed. “We are awaiting additional information from the operator, but for the moment, there is no no risk for the population, workers and the environment“, reacts Mélanie Boulanger, spokesperson. Belgian reactors are equipped with a double enclosure to protect the primary circuit of the reactor, and this is the external enclosure, which must protect the installations against accidents of external origin , like the fall of a plane, which is affected.

The cabinet of the energy minister Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen), also informed, wants to reassuring about security of supply. “The situation is better than in 2018 or 2020: the offshore zone is 100% operational, interconnections with neighboring countries have been strengthened, and the French nuclear fleet is more available than announced.” As a precaution, the minister all the same asked Elia to analyze the scenario of Doel 4 being unavailable throughout the winterbut the first elements suggest that there would be no major problem.

A question mark for the extension

The question remains as to what impact this damage could have on the extension of the reactor for another ten years. Engie is cautious about the extent of the damage, but shows itself confident that the problem can be remedied before this extension. “We will make any necessary repairs,” says Oliver Desclée.

It remains to be seen whether these problems will affect the cost of the extension. But at this stage, the repair costs will be for Engie.

It remains to be seen whether this will not affect the cost of this extension. The agreement signed between the Belgian State and Engie provides that the State will bear 50% of the necessary investments. And it also offers the power plant owner a guarantee of profitability on these investments. The higher these are, the heavier the bill will be for the State. “But at this stage, the repair costs will be for Engiespecifies Olivier Desclée. The Belgian authorities only contribute to the study costs.”

The Doel 4 enclosure had already undergone repairs in 2014but which concerned the concrete itself, not the reinforcements. In 2017, a degradation of concrete was also discovered at Doel 3, then at Tihange 2, Tihange 3 and Doel 4but in bunkers annexed to the reactors, subject to significant steam releases, which had led to serious concerns regarding the security of the country’s electricity supply, and forced repairs to be sequenced. “The cause here is different. We suspect that it is explained by the saline environment,” notes Olivier Desclée.

#Doel #shut #November



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