Doda and Dariusz Pachut broke up. The official statement was published online. “Our paths have diverged” :: RMF FM

Doda and Dariusz Pachut broke up. Information that the stars are no longer together appeared on Instagram. Rabczewska’s former partner issued an official statement on this matter. “It was a painful decision, but I must say that our paths have diverged,” we read.

Dariusz Pachut and Doda. Photo Lukasz Kalinowski/East News

Doda and Dariusz Pachut have so far created one of the best-matched relationships in show business. Both of them carefully guarded their privacy, avoiding joint interviews or giving extensive comments. The singer’s fans carefully watched her every move online, and Rabczewska herself eagerly shared information with them about her professional life. Recently, however, reports have begun to appear that this relationship is going through a crisis. So far, the interested parties themselves have not officially commented on this matter, but the situation has changed today. Dariusz Pachut published a special statement on one of his Instagram stories in which he confirmed the breakup.

Why did Doda and Dariusz Pachut break up?

Dariusz Pachut runs an Instagram account that is very popular. However, this is a private profile, which means that the content published by the traveler and athlete is visible only to users who follow his account. It was they who saw the following statement:

Due to speculations appearing more and more often in the media, as well as questions from journalists that are becoming persistent and tiring, I would like to inform you about the changes that have occurred in my personal life recently. A month ago, after finishing the project in Norway, on which I had been working with full commitment, I decided to come to Turkey earlier than originally agreed. I showed up there two days before the scheduled date. Unfortunately, what I found there made me think hard and decide to end our relationship.

Finally, Doda’s former partner mentioned the emotions that accompanied him:

It was a painful decision, but I must say that our paths have diverged. I am grateful for the 2.5 years we shared and I wish Doda all the best in the future.

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