Documents, costs and consequences of not completing the procedure – 2024-07-29 22:37:02

If a vehicle is found or you wish to pass through a inactivated state, this means that it cannot be used under any circumstances. During this period of inactivity, it will not be necessary to pay the annual vehicle tax (ISCV).

The process to deactivate a vehicle or motorcycle is free of charge.However, to complete the process, the SAT will request that the taxpayer present certain transit solvency documents.

When this is the case, it is crucial that the taxpayer does not delay in taking this action.since, if you do not do so, could incur a state of non-compliance with the SATconsidered a tax crime, and face possible consequences as:

  • You could not register a car or motorcycle in your name.
  • I couldn’t apply for jobs in the public sector.
  • You would not be able to apply for credit or loans if they request or review your SAT history.

How to deactivate a vehicle in the SAT

This procedure must be done in person at the Tax Office or Agency; It is not possible to carry it out onlineThe most common cases that require this procedure include the definitive withdrawal of a motor vehicle, whether four or two wheels, due to theft or robbery.

The process of Inactivation is allowed for eight reasons Specifically, which are:

  1. Deactivation due to permanent withdrawal.
  2. Vehicle deactivation by court order.
  3. Vehicle deactivation by order of the Public Prosecutor’s Office
  4. Deactivation due to theft/robbery.
  5. Inactivation due to temporary withdrawal of insurer.
  6. Deactivation due to definitive withdrawal of the insurer.
  7. Deactivation due to definitive withdrawal by auction of the Judicial Body for dismantled and/or scrap vehicles.
  8. Deactivation due to definitive withdrawal by municipal auctions for dismantled and/or scrap vehicles.

It is also necessary to consider the Specific requirements depending on the type of inactivation that the taxpayer wishes, the details are on the SAT portal. The Essential documents in any case are:

  • Valid Identification Document (DPI).
  • Have a Virtual Agency and updated data in digital RTU
  • Be solvent in the payment of the Tax on Circulation of Land Vehicles of all registered vehicles
  • Complete Form SAT-452, Affidavit for Deactivation and/or Activation of Land Vehicles.
  • Original registration card, if you do not have this you must file a complaint with the MP or the PNC, depending on the circumstances.
  • Original ownership certificate, if you do not have this you must file a complaint with the MP or the PNC, depending on the circumstances.
  • License plates, if you do not have these you must file a complaint with the MP or the PNC, depending on the circumstances.

How much does it cost to deactivate (disable) a vehicle?

The procedure itself It has no cost; However, for a ground vehicle to be disabled, it must be up to date with ISCV payments and any outstanding finesTo verify this, you will be asked to submit a Transit solvency (Emetra and Emixtra) and one solvency of the National Civil Police (PNC).

At the end of the process of inactivation, The person will receive a vehicle display at no cost or one Certification of Increasewhose cost is Q30.00.

Besides, If a vehicle is no longer in use due to age or because it needs some repairalso This process must be carried out. If this is not done, the vehicle will continue to be subject to paying the ISCV, in accordance with article 134-2014 of Government Agreement.

If a vehicle is no longer in use due to age or needs repair, the deactivation procedure must be carried out (Photo, Prensa Libre: Freepik)

Also, if a vehicle has been stolen and the deactivation procedure is not carried out, it could be subject to proceedings before the Vehicle Tax Registry.

When can the SAT deactivate a vehicle?

According to Decree 70-94, The Vehicle Tax Registry has the power to deactivate (deactivate) in case the owner has stopped paying the tax what the law refers to, for three consecutive yearsthe deadline for making the third year’s payment having expired. This legal basis applies because it falls into a state of delinquency.

This does not mean that tax payment can be omitted; the debt remains. If the vehicle is still in good condition and you want to reactivate it, should be pay the outstanding ISCV along with any interest for late payment that the SAT applies.

According to the records of the administrative entity, 198,420 vehicles (including motorcycles and cars) have been deactivated in the last three years.

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