2024-03-07 16:18:00
The state’s debts to energy and gas suppliers for the payment of price compensations following the energy and gas price cap mechanism were around 800 million lei last month. In order to reduce the dissatisfaction of the suppliers, Ciolacu announced that the Government approves another 500 million lei on Thursday.
The price of electricityPhoto: Jonathan Raa/NurPhoto / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia
- “These days we have seen an intense European debate regarding what will happen to gases next winter. I want to be very clear: we will continue the energy and gas price capping mechanism at least until the spring of 2025!
- We will come up with an adjustment to this mechanism in the next period, but I want both the population and the companies to have this very clear guarantee that they will be protected!
- In fact, today we are allocating 500 million lei to offset the costs of capping for domestic customers,” said the prime minister.
What payment arrears have generated supplier dissatisfaction
The government will practically approve a Memorandumwhich provides for the payment of this amount requested by the Ministry of Labour.
- “The lack of the necessary amounts in the Energy Transition Fund and the administrative procedures for the opening of budget credits inevitably lead to exceeding payment deadlines, generating dissatisfaction on the part of suppliers. Thus, at the beginning of 2024, the amounts representing 40% of the suppliers’ request, as well as those confirmed by ANRE, totaled 1,829,248 thousand lei.
- Considering the provisions contained in the annual budget law and to ensure a part of the amounts requested by the suppliers, in February 2024 the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, allocated and paid to the suppliers, from the approved budget, the amount of 1,000,000 thousand lei, maintaining a backlog of approximately 800,000 thousand lei, an amount that will increase taking into account the fact that this program will continue to apply until March 31, 2025,” the memorandum states.
The Ministry of Labor requests an increase of 500 million lei in commitment credits and budget credits for the first quarter of 2024 related to the capping of electricity and natural gas prices for household customers and a decrease by the same amount for the fourth quarter, from the funds intended for the payment of benefits of social assistance.
#DOCUMENT #Capping #energy #gas #prices #state #owes #hundreds #millions #lei #suppliers #decision #announced #Thursday #Ciolacu