Doctors warn Thai people to speed up their lifestyle changes, fearing they will suffer from NCDS, suggesting people aged 45 and over should have annual health checks.

Doctors warn Thai people to speed up their lifestyle changes, fearing NCDS disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Age 45 years and older should have a health check-up every year.

The lifestyle of the city people who live in a hurry. causing various risky behaviors in life Whether eating spicy food such as sweet, salty, high-fat foods grilled food Drinking alcohol, smoking, not exercising, staying up late, having high stress. Taking medication without consulting a doctor It is the reason why most people are sick with chronic non-communicable diseases or non-communicable diseases.

Training for the Graduate Diploma Program in Health Management Innovation in the Digital Age or HIDA, Class 2 at the Chatrium Riverside Hotel, has provided academic lectures on the topic. “Diseases close to the body, diabetes, high blood pressure Obesity, high blood fat, “Assoc. Vajira Hospital said that all 3 diseases are related. When the aforementioned disease has occurred, it is necessary to see a doctor and take continuous medication. To protect important organs such as kidneys, eyes, feet to be able to use normally

However, diabetes, high blood pressure Obesity, hyperlipidemia, is a chronic non-communicable disease, or NCDS, caused by risky behaviors that cause disease, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, eating oily, salty, spicy foods, stress, and lack of exercise. Cause various diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and blood vessels. chronic renal failure Causing a higher death rate, so must control and reduce the death rate People need to change inappropriate consumption behaviors, such as high-energy foods that cause weight gain. causing obesity Foods High in Sugar Cause Diabetes Foods that are high in fat cause hyperlipidemia. and foods high in sodium cause hypertension

All 5 diseases are non-communicable diseases. and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease Males are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than females, especially men over 55 years old and women over 65 years old, including family history of cardiovascular disease, younger than 45 years old, inherited or having a gene that causes Cardiovascular disease, including smoking, is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease and lung cancer.

cardiovascular disease Caused by slag or fat that thickens around the blood vessels, causing chest pain. acute ischemic heart disease When the blood vessels are constricted and have the opportunity to cause the blood vessels to rupture The treatment method is Angiography to look at the coronary arteries and make a balloon to expand the coronary arteries. In order for the blood to flow through or cutting the blood vessels at the same time, risk factors must be controlled. Such as diet control, exercise, not smoking. In addition, there may be a cerebral clot, such as a stroke, a distorted mouth, limb weakness, must enter the stroke fast-track treatment system within 3 hours and cerebral hemorrhage from the stroke. high blood pressure kidney failure from diabetes and blood clots in the feet For example, calf pain when walking, cold feet, pale feet, or discoloration.

But urban lifestyle is an important variable. such as eating Junk Foods Not exercising, working and aging society Makes living life at risk, therefore recommending age 45 years should have a health check every year.

Obesity Thailand Women are more obese than men. In Asia, Thailand ranks second in obesity. The number one country is Malaysia, so the body mass index must be calculated. BMI must not exceed 25. If over 30 is obese, life expectancy is reduced by 3 years. Waist circumference measurement if males have a waist circumference of more than 90 cm or 36. More than 80 cm or 32 inches in female, obese and at risk of causing various diseases such as osteoarthritis, urinary incontinence, colon cancer, breast cancer, and sleep apnea.

Diabetes, a chronic disease with high blood sugar Caused by low or no insulin, insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Diabetes incidence in urban contexts, for example, people at risk of developing diabetes are pregnant women, newborns, young children, lack of insulin. Izulin, due to pancreatic damage, requires lifelong insulin injections. Obesity caused by genetics and behavior Elderly people with long life expectancy detection of diabetes Annual health checkup, blood test, urine test

Risk of developing diabetes, over 35 years old, obesity, family history Used to have gestational diabetes, smoke. However, the symptoms of diabetes are hunger, dry mouth, dry throat, frequent thirst, urinating day and night every 1 hour, weight loss, fatigue, lack of energy, nausea, vomiting, recurrent infections of the skin, gums and teeth, and stomach. and erectile dysfunction Diabetes can be prevented by changing behavior. Recommend a health check once a year.
So what to control food Food should be divided into 4 parts, rice, protein, focus on vegetables, 2 parts, eat food in moderation. Control body weight, reduce eating, reduce calories, use a lot of energy. Bavarian treatment cannot be cured. But nowadays, diabetes can be controlled. By using the method of losing weight by 15%, there is no magic pill to cure diabetes.

hypertension which is viewed from the numbers by means of measuring pressure Normal blood pressure measurement criteria should be 120/80. Should change behavior in treating hypertension such as losing weight, focusing on eating vegetables and fruits, eating less sodium salt, should not exceed 2000 milligrams per day, exercising such as brisk walking, aerobic dancing 3-5 days a week, abstaining or reducing drinking alcohol

and hyperlipidemia Assess various risk factors. From the Thai CV Risk Score application within 10 years, if it is found that there is a risk, behavior must be changed. Choose to consume good foods. Diet control, reduce fat foods, lose weight, and exercise such as walking, aerobic dancing. and take medication as prescribed by the doctor Do not buy your own medicine Good health is not for sale, if you want it, you have to build it yourself.

Air Chief Marshal Dr. Anutt Jittinan, Kidney Center, Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital Air Force Medical Department on the topic “Diseases related to the air filter kidney” that the kidneys act to eliminate waste through urine. maintain water balance maintain mineral salt balance Create a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. Waste elimination is important for the functioning of the kidneys. Kidney disease can be divided into 6 types: nephritis, cyst in the kidneys, nephritis, acute renal failure, kidney stones, and chronic kidney stones.

Nephritis Symptoms found include swelling, abnormal urination. Red or foamy urine caused by egg whites leaking into the urine have high blood pressure over 140/90, which the normal pressure should be at 120/80, joint diseases such as immunodeficiency (SLE), strep throat

cystitis It is part of the kidney that is connected to the urinary tract. Have a urinary tract infection. Symptoms found include back pain, fever, chills, cloudy urine, and burning with urination. have bacteria in the urine It is most common in women with urinary incontinence. Urgently need to see a doctor to prevent infection in the bloodstream.

Kidney stone disease Symptoms found Back pain Red urine looks like blood If X-rays show stones-like appearance Will be found in people in the North and Northeast. Found in people who do not like to drink water. Drink at least 2 liters of water.

polycystic disease The cause of chronic kidney failure Symptoms of an enlarged belly and transmitted through heredity

acute kidney injury Accidents, surgeries, serious infections Taking medications continuously for a long time, such as painkillers, steroids Decreased urination, unconsciousness, increased waste in the body, edema, abnormal mineral salt can be cured

chronic kidney disease Is a major problem of the country Kidney dysfunction or glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml per minute, 1.73 square meters, more than 3 months of chronic kidney disease, symptoms found swelling, paleness, fatigue. High blood pressure, loss of appetite, but most patients with chronic kidney disease are asymptomatic until the kidney function is significantly impaired.

Risk factors for chronic kidney disease Age over 60 years old requires a kidney function test. with blood and urine tests, the use of drugs and herbs that are toxic to the kidneys high uric acid or gout Gallstones and urinary tract infections High blood pressure, diabetes and family history According to the kidney disease association of Thailand, 17 of 100 Thai people have chronic kidney disease. About 50 million Thai people have chronic kidney disease, 7 million people. Most of the people with chronic kidney disease. have terminal symptoms

However, chronic kidney disease was found most in Bangkok, followed by the Isaan region. Most people have never been tested. never realized or paid attention to kidney examination will give importance When suffering from end-stage kidney disease The treatment method is to use kidney replacement therapy by using hemodialysis treatment with an artificial kidney machine 2-3 times a week for regarding 4-5 hours. Peritoneal dialysis method Do it yourself 4 times a day and the method of kidney transplantation or kidney replacement does not remove the original kidney. but put a kidney from a donor into a patient But the donor must be of close descent to the patient for the kidney to function. The cumulative number of dialysis patients from 2008 to 2020 is more than 200,000, both with hemodialysis machines. peritoneal dialysis The patient can use the treatment right. Calculated as medical expenses per month, 12,000 – 15,000 baht per month per person that the government is responsible for

According to the World Health Organization, Thailand has kidney disease. Ranked 5-6, with number one being Taiwan, followed by Japan, Singapore, America, Korea for kidney care methods such as regular exercise. good control of blood sugar levels control blood pressure levels Make food choices and control your weight. Drink enough water, don’t smoke, avoid inappropriate medications, and screen for kidney disease in high-risk people.



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