Doctors warn of one-sided nasal congestion It could be a sign of a serious illness.

Doctors warn against neglecting nasal congestion It could be a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer. Like a young man, an 18-year-old Chinese man thought he had a cold. Finally a disease

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nasopharyngeal cancerIt is more common in Asians and is almost exclusively Asian cancer. related to heredity along with lifestyle behaviors. The early symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer are unclear. Most people think they should start with “Easy nosebleed” is actually more of a “one-sided nasal congestion”.

for example An 18-year-old Chinese boy has no history of smoking. But one day he startedhave a stuffy nose After going to many clinics The doctor said it was just a cold. therefore prescribe medication according to symptoms But after repeated examination, it was revealed that he was suffering from nasopharyngeal cancer.

by Chen Xinmei, a Chinese doctor, warned that there5 risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer that deserve special attention

1. Family history of illnesses
2. Smoking and chewing betel nut
3. Pickled foods, meat and pickles
4. History of treatment such as sinusitis, oral cancer, etc.
5. EB virus infection

Doctors also warned that there were 6 main symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer

1. Bloodshot mucus and sputum
2. Tinnitus
3. runny nose
4. A lump in the throat
5. One-sided headache
6. Face numb, blurry eyes

Source: ettoday

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