Doctors from Santiago are trained in Ambulatory Pediatrics

The Minister of Health, Natividad Nassif, and Undersecretary César Monti participated in the opening of the 2022 Ambulatory Pediatrics Course and the delivery of specialist medical certification and recertification of specialist in pediatrics and intensive care, which took place at the College of Physicians .

Hoy 13:47

Dr. Manuel Barthe, president of the Pediatrics Association of Santiago del Estero, together with Dr. Laila Danial and the president of the College of Physicians, Dr. Cecilia Parisini, coordinated the opening of the course aimed at paediatricians, family doctors and doctors in training and which will be led by local specialists, organized by the Santiago del Estero Ambulatory Pediatrics Committee.

During the course, topics such as child and adolescent psychiatry, monitoring of high-risk newborns, frequent orthopedic pathology bronchiolitis-bronchial asthma, child and adolescent gynecology, red flags in neurodevelopment, anemia, among others, will be addressed.

Secondly, certifications and recertifications in pediatrics and intensive care were delivered to five female doctors who carried out the respective exams.

The Minister of Health expressed her satisfaction at sharing this initiative “which aims to expand knowledge, which implies generating more opportunities to develop the talent that each one of you has. From the Ministry of Health, we are committed to the continuous training of health teams throughout the province”.

For his part, Dr. César Monti congratulated the doctors who certified their specialty and the organizers of the course. “This speaks to physicians’ concern to stay current in order to provide quality care,” he said.

In his turn, Dr. Barthe explained that “15 meetings were organized with specialists who are of interest, which allow to give tools to the pediatrician and the health team, to doctors who are in primary care and family doctors, providing tools to work , update, make an early diagnosis and accompany the families”.

For her part, Dr. Laila Danial, a member of the local SAP and a pediatrician at the Frías Hospital, pointed out: “It was an initiative that we promoted with the Ambulatory Pediatrics Committee, especially for the staff that is working as a pediatrician within the the province. Today we have 70 registered, of which a little more than 50% are doctors from the interior. We thank our specialists, who we have in Santiago and have been predisposed to share their knowledge. They are updating training spaces where networks and links are generated to work as a team with the aim of providing the best care for our children”.

Finally, Dr. Cecilia Parisini, indicated what “The College of Physicians intends to open the doors more than ever so that the different specialties can use and dispose of our facilities and promote scientific activity and professional exchange”.



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