Doctors are sought for the Social Institute of the Navy

Elena Martínez Carqués, director of the Social Institute of the Navy.

The Navy Social Institute, through the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, has convened ten squares of doctor of Maritime Health. Some permanent labor positions that are outside the agreement of the organization of the Navy.

According to the resolution published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), The selection process will be carried out through the system of contest-opposition and the places offered have the following locations: Provincial Directorate (DP) of A Coruña, DP of the Balearic Islands, DP of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, DP of Barcelona, ​​DP of Cádiz, DP of Melilla, DP of Valencia, DP of Vilagarcía de Arousa; Local Office of Pontevedra and Local Office of Cillero.

The requirements to apply for these positions include having Spanish nationality or being a resident in Spain, having el Degree in Medicine and own the functional capacity for the performance of Maritime Health doctor tasks. Those who wish to participate in these selective tests must do so on the application form 790, which will be provided free of charge on the Internet through the Application for Registration in Selective Tests (IPS) of the General Access Point.

How is the maritime medical examination?

The first exercise of opposition phase It will begin between four and six months from the publication of the call, and it is expected to end within a maximum period of one year. In total, the applicants face three exercises: two first eliminatory rounds of 50 and 40 points, and a third, optional, of languages ​​with 5 points for each language and a maximum of 10.

Once each of the opposition exercises has concluded, the Court will make public, in the place or places in which it is held and at the Court’s headquarters, the list of applicants who have reached the minimum established to pass it, with an indication of the score obtained. Those who manage to pass the opposition phase will have a period of twenty working days to present the supporting documentation of the merits who want to be valued in the contest stage, where they can get up to a maximum of 27 points for professional merit and 6 for academic merit.

What are the functions of a maritime doctor?

To be a Maritime Health doctor, in addition to performing the functions of a doctor, the skills and activities included in the Maritime Health program must be carried out, which are the following.

  • Carrying out medical examinations of maritime boarding.

  • Carrying out and teaching Health Training Courses.

  • Collaborate in the control of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the crew, ships and merchandise.

  • Carrying out and collaborating in epidemiological, statistical or other studies in relation to the health situation of the maritime-fishing community.

  • Review of First Aid Kits on board the Vessels.

  • Practice of healthcare medicine for crew members in port, on board ships and through radio-medical consultation.

  • Accompaniment of sick and injured, when required by the nature of the case.

  • Collaboration with the rest of the Institute’s healthcare services

  • Social Security of the Navy and other entities with which they can establish healthcare provision agreements.

  • In the case of provision of services in centers located outside the national territory, also exercise the functions of management, administration and control of the operation of the Assistance Center and the personnel assigned to it.

  • Collaboration in tasks derived from the use of the necessary means to carry out the medical examinations prior to boarding, the medical consultation on board or outpatient and the radio-medical consultation.

  • Proposal, study, preparation and execution of other activities related to the contents of the Maritime Health program within the scope of their professional category.

  • Temporarily move to other work centers, when required to do so.

  • Preparation and computerization of medical records.

In addition, as highlighted by the Ministry, to carry out all or some of these tasks it will be necessary to have functional ability to access on board shipsand/or remain on board in them.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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