Thairath Online
4 May 2022 21:34
Doctor Thira Reveals research from Austria. People who have been infected with COVID are more likely to trigger the condition.”enteritis“Even following 7 months
Day 4 May 65 Assoc. Prof. Dr.Teera Woratanarat Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post messages via facebook Thira Woratanarat stated that the research team from Austria Research recently published in the Journal of Gastroenterology. Gastroenterology on May 1st study in patients Long COVID 46 with inflammatory bowel disease
found that the genetic material of the COVID-19 virus was found It was found in the intestinal mucosa in up to 70% of patients, even for an average of 7.3 months from the date of infection.
The results of this research therefore tend to support the hypothesis that Infection with a viral infection or long-standing viral portion likely contributes to the development of malformations or subsequent inflammation.
Information from Thira Woratanarat Facebook page
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