This pattern overlaps with a phenomenon known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), characterized by muscle pain associated with inflammatory processes in the brain and central nervous system. including having flu-like symptoms all the time They are extremely tired, unable to work, lack of concentration, have autonomic disorders and are unable to exercise at all.
History can be traced to 1934 in Los Angeles, 1948 in Iceland, 1955 in London, and 1984 in Nevada.
In 1955, a doctor from Iceland began to use the term ME to compare the characteristics of abnormalities in the cerebrospinal fluid among patients at the Royal Free Hospital in London. and a patient in 1948 in Iceland, Akureyri.
Symptoms indicate damage to the brain and spinal cord, along with severe muscle pain and weakness and cramping.
And from a series of events until 1984 to 1985, the village of Incline in Nevada had similar effects. All of these initial symptoms were all virus-infected.
It is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS. Both syndromes are believed to be rooted in inflammatory processes in the nervous system.
In the part of this little covid who met and gathered statistics in England And an analysis in many countries found that the nature of COVID
Long editions can be as high as 50%, or as many as half of those who have recovered from the shorter version of COVID. And the symptoms that occur can be as many as 100 and cover almost every organ of the body. It was associated with especially brain, mental, and emotional variability, but at the same time exhibited the same correlation with the ME/CFS mentioned above.
However, Covid is better than the first generation since 1934 because it affects more people. And the symptoms appear to be more severe than they appeared in the early versions.
As evidenced by the ME/CFS from the early versions which may be used to describe that covid It is possible that inflammation caused by infection Occurs outside the brain and nervous system But the brain perceives it by interacting with molecules. Small fragments of these inflammatory particles in the blood and possibly transported these molecules through the walls of blood vessels into the brain. either through infiltration or directly into the brain in areas where the septum is not strong and, in addition, these inflammatory molecules are found in the vagus nerve. The NTS (nucleus tractus solitarius), or cranial nerve No. 10, extends down to the gut and can transmit these inflammations up to the brainstem in the NTS (nucleus tractus solitarius) circuitry that regulates the activity of the autonomic nervous system. including blood vessels and heart, etc.
And should have a follow-up effect to the process of regulating the functions of various hormones That is controlled by the brain from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and continues to control hormone systems in the body to the adrenal glands.
The long-running coronavirus phenomenon will become a major burden on the public health system of all countries where the coronavirus is spreading, as people affected can be of any age, gender, or gender. and caused by severe and non-severe covid infections with symptoms that will impair quality of life performance of work process of thought Even concentration, intelligence, and memory will decline. and severe enough to require consultation Or get treatment from a doctor in almost every field. including a psychiatrist because there is a feeling of depression Rejection of the surroundings to the point of becoming aggressive or having social problems as a phenomenon following a post traumatic stress syndrome.
These are things that need to be looked at and prepared at the same time. Although the manuscript is currently being prepared on August 1, 2021, Thailand is still marginal with a single-roll covid and a short series of covids.
and reflects that the assessment of the situation favors itself or denying the truth is something that must not be done anymore If we go through or survive this war of covids.