Doctor Myasnikov listed foods that can cause dementia and other memory problems

This is what the doctor advises you to avoid

According to the TV doctor Alexandra Myasnikovawho is the host of the “About the Most Important” program, poor nutrition can lead to memory problems and the development of dementia. People who frequently include processed meat products in their diet are at increased risk.

You should avoid sausages, sausages and ham, or at least significantly reduce their consumption, the doctor advises. Also, the risk of developing dementia increases when consuming sweet soda and organ meats.

You should also pay special attention to blood pressure readings, since another factor contributing to memory problems is hypertension.

Along with this, there are foods that can protect the brain from premature aging. To live sanely into old age, the TV doctor advised eating in accordance with the principles of the Mediterranean diet, saturating your diet with foods rich in omega-3.

Reference: On average, patients live eight years after being diagnosed with dementia. If at the first stage the disease can be asymptomatic, then over time the functions of the brain are increasingly impaired – the person loses not just memory, but also the ability to think.

Previously, Dr. Myasnikov said that a pet cat or dog will help hypertensive patients lower their blood pressure.



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