Doctor Korenevich named 6 diseases in which dietary supplements can help instead of drugs

As Anna Korenevich, a cardiologist with 23 years of experience, said, with serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, there can be no question of any replacement of drugs with dietary supplements. However, physicians may prescribe dietary supplements or medicines with unproven efficacy in case of functional disorders of the nervous system to their patients. Anna Korenevich gave 6 examples of possible health problems:

  1. vegetative-vascular dystonia,

  2. cardioneurosis,

  3. somatoform autonomic disorder,

  4. diencephalic syndrome,

  5. chronic fatigue syndrome,

  6. insomnia.

The cardiologist explained why, with such disorders in a patient, the doctor may choose supplements instead of real drugs.

– Because you have no problems at the level of the body and, in fact, there is nothing to treat with normal medicines. But the positive placebo effect that we get from prescribing drugs is very useful here,” the specialist concluded.

For what other real health problems can the placebo effect save, read the opinion of a specialist at the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. Bekhterev HERE.



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