Doctor Angham: Her condition is stable and she has fully recovered.. Her return to singing is her personal decision

Dr. Akram Al-Adawy revealed the details of the health condition of the artist, Angham. After being discharged from the hospital, on Wednesday morning.

Al-Adawi said, during a telephone conversation with the media, Azza Mustafa, on the “Tahrir Hall” program broadcast on the “Sada Al-Balad” channel, that the artist, Angham, was discharged from the hospital this morning, Wednesday, confirming that she is in a stable health condition, and has been fully recovered. reassuring the public that she is in good health; And she didn’t have any problems.

He added that the artist, Angham, did not face complications as a result of the surgery. It was also rumored regarding this matter, confirming that she is in a stable health condition, does not face any problems, eats and drinks stably, and is now in her home.

Dr. Akram Al-Adawi explained that, with regard to the decision to sing the melodies, and the date of her return to practice her work; He confirmed that from a health point of view, she does not face any problems that hinder her from singing at any time. And the decision to return to singing is her personal decision; Medicine does not interfere with it.

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