Do you use Facebook? 1.6 million Illinois users could soon receive a check for $400 | Univision Chicago WGBO

Near 1.6 million Facebook users in Illinois could receive a check for $397 dollars each.

so ordered a 9th District Judge in Hawaiiafter determining that the company of likes incurred violations of the Illinois Biometric Privacy Act.

Almost a year after a $650 million dealthis Thursday the authority confirmed the agreement of a class action lawsuit.

The lawsuit against the social network was imposed by attorney Jay Edelson almost seven years ago.

Now, unless there are further appeals network users in Illinois should receive the check within 60 days.

It was in February 2021 when A federal judge in California issued approval for the $650 million settlement.s.

However, payment to users was delayed after appeals were filed by two Illinois representatives who opposed the payment of 97.5 million dollars for legal expensesin addition to a $5,000 incentive for the defendants.

The authority determined that no abuse had been committed with said amounts, therefore confirmed the payment determination.

Where does the lawsuit against Facebook come from?

The judge’s decision stems from alleged violations of the Illinois Biometric Security Law, one of the strictest in the field in the United States.

The law mandates that businesses require permission of people before using technology like facial recognition.

Edelson filed the lawsuit in 2015 in a Cook County court. in the name of Carlo Licata, who argued that this law was violated with characteristics such as facial tagging without consent.

Who will receive the checks?

The payments will be between 350 and 400 dollars, although finally could receive $397 eachafter taxes and other expenses.

Facebook announced last November that it would leave behind its facial recognition technology to the concern of users.

In addition, he assured that would erase information from more than a billion templates of recognition stored on their servers.

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