“Do you think Hildago is watching?”, “One of the greatest anticipation films”: the twittos are ironic about the broadcast of the animated film

M6 live/Ratatouille screen capture broadcast on M6

This Friday, December 30, 2022, M6 broadcast the Disney-Pixar animated film “Ratatouille”. If the magic of the latter won over many viewers, some twittos allowed themselves less glamorous points of irony. According to them, programming Rémy’s adventures in Paris when the capital is currently invaded by rats, was particularly funny. Anne Hildalgo, the Mayor of Paris, took for her rank on Twitter.

Who says Christmas holidays, says happiness to find family films on TV! On the eve of New Year’s Eve Novel anM6 has chosen for this purpose to broadcast the animated film Ratatouille this Friday at 9:10 p.m. This Disney/Pixar released in 2007 has a certain Remy, a young rat who aspires to become a great French chef. This one has a gift: his sense of smell allows him to recognize which foods are healthy, and which are poisonous. death to rats. And he also has a passion, that of cooking, which he familiarized himself with thanks to the recipe books of the “greatest chef in the world” Auguste Gusteau.

Devastated at having been forcibly separated from all his family and friends, Rémy sees the specter of the deceased leader appear. This one enjoins him to leave the sewers, to “go and see on the surface”. “If you fixate on the past, you’ll never know what the future holds for you,” he advises her before guiding her to her old restaurant. Within it, Ratatouille will be in the front row to discover the first catastrophic steps of the young kitchen assistant Alfredo Linguini.

Both will end up helping each other. One must keep his job in the restaurant at all costs, the other fights for his survival while everyone is chasing him. Discreetly, the two will learn to work together. Hidden under Alfredo’s hat, Rémy guides his every move by pulling his hair.

“Unquestionably a masterpiece”

It is among other things this endearing duo of friends that M6 viewers were happy to find this evening. But also the magnificent reproductions of Parisian landscapes which serve as a backdrop to the story. From the start of the evening, around 9:10 p.m., many tweeters expressed their love for this 2007 animated film, which is one of their favorites. A sequence seems to particularly seduce them: the one during which Rémy unknowingly helps Linguini to catch up with a soup, by quickly adding herbs, cream, vegetables, spices, etc.

“Rather ironic… or unintentional?”

But a handful of them mightn’t help but show some sarcasm. According to them, broadcasting Ratatouille at a time when Paris is suffering an invasion of rats is rather ironic. Between winks to the Mayor of the city Anne Hildalgo, frequently pointed out for this problem, and reference to the recent video showing a mouse in the Parisian pastry shop of Cédric Grolet, the evening was conducive to unflattering comparisons for Paris .

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