Do you take medication? Here are three mistakes not to make to avoid all risks

Nearly 65% ​​of Belgians take at least one medicine a day and yet errors in taking them are still frequent.

If the most common mistake is not checking the contents of your medicine chest, here are three other recurring mistakes to avoid.

Incorrect medication intake

For some medications, drinking grapefruit juice and alcohol should be avoided. It has been well described that it modifies the rate of metabolization of drugs“, warns Jean Nève, professor of pharmacotherapy at the ULB. To avoid this kind of problem, read the instructions carefully before use.


One in 10 parents uses the same medicine for the whole family, including the child. However, a repeated overdose can have consequences on the body of children.

Preservation of the medicine box

40% of Belgians keep it in their bathroom. It is a mistake ! Humidity and temperature variations can alter the medicine. The ideal location is a cabinet away from heat and humidity.

The only true medicine specialist is the pharmacist. Ideally, it is better to speak to your reference pharmacist. The one who knows you and who has access to your file“, advocates Professor Nève.



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