Do you suffer from insomnia?.. 5 tips to get a good and healthy sleep

A large percentage of people suffer bInsomniawhich affects them and makes them unable to sleep well and healthy, and there are many tips that must be done to get rid of and learn regarding the best tricks that contribute to getting a good amount of sleep, according to the “Express” website.

The report indicated that knowing the quality of food and drink that you eat daily is one of the most important tricks that contribute greatly to making you sleep well and healthy. The most prominent wrong habits that also expose you to insomnia, so avoid taking these drugs before bed.

The report also advised people with insomnia to develop a daily routine, that is, to get rid of the same habits that you do on a daily basis, waking up on the same day and at the same time helps to sleep well and stabilize the biological clock, and thus the body gets used to certain hours of sleep, and daily waking, and this makes you feel awake and refreshed .

One of the most important tips is to avoid screens before going to sleep, because it is one of the wrong habits that cause you to feel insomnia, as lighting screens makes you unable to regulate sleep and cause insomnia, so avoid them at least an hour before bedtime.

One of the most important tricks that really make you feel comfortable and relaxed is practicing relaxation techniques that increase your feeling of sleep, so you should practice deep breathing exercises before bed, and sit in a dark room devoid of light, all of which are tricks that make you feel comfortable and sleep.

The report advised people who want to sleep, to sit in a room where the temperature in your bedroom ranges between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius, and rooms warmer than this will interfere with your body’s ability to achieve deeper and more consistent sleep.

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