Do You See Sparky? : A Free Prologue To The Future Horror Multiplayer FPS

A few weeks ago, we told you regarding Do You See Sparky?, a new horror FPS soon to be playable in cooperation and taking place in an abandoned amusement park. As a reminder, players will have to solve puzzles and cooperate in order to escape a malevolent creature that is slowly, but tirelessly, prowling the park. To make us wait until the release of the game, still without any precise date, the developers have just published Sparky Marky, a free solo demo that serves as a prologue. It lasts regarding thirty minutes, it’s not very nice and you don’t always understand what you have to do. In addition, the studio has slipped tags all over the map that correspond to commands on the game’s discord. Don’t imagine an ARG Valve way with Team Fortress 2Sparky Marky’s commands only return short messages that very briefly describe the game world.

We do not really see the interest of such a demo and we especially hope that the developers were more inspired concerning Do You See Sparky?. If we were enthusiastic regarding the idea of ​​an asymmetrical FPS that mixes puzzles, cooperation and evil creature to avoid, we are now a little more skeptical.



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