Do you remember the star of Birds of Paradise, Dima Bashar?! .. You will not imagine her charming beauty after she got married and the surprise in her new and unexpected profession!!

It’s 01:40 PM
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Dima Bashar, a child of the Birds of Paradise channel, caught the attention of followers on the communication sites in her latest appearance following she became a beautiful young woman.

A picture spread of Dima Bashar carrying her child following she got married and retired from the spotlight following she entered the university years ago and specialized in programming and works in one of the companies in Jordan.

Dima Bashar was an exceptional case when she was on the “Birds of Paradise” channel, and some reports indicated that her husband is a Jordanian businessman, although she previously denied this news.

Dima Bashar, a Jordanian singer, joined the Birds of Paradise group at the end of 2008, and she sang many songs that achieved high viewing rates.

Dima is the younger sister of the vocalist Muhammad Bashar, and she has presented some programs on the Birds of Paradise channel, including (Ashkal Alwan program), (Kinz), (Camping) and (Aalhawa Sawa).

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