Do you know why we feel bad when we are hungry?

2024-08-26 10:35:00

Are you grumpy when you’re hungry? Rest assured you are not alone. Especially since there is an explanation. As recalled by Liliya Kazantseva, researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research in Malaga (IBIMA) dialogue (Source 1), When we are hungry, several phenomena occur in our bodies that affect our mood.

a cascade of hormones

One of the reasons that may explain the bad emotions associated with hunger is need sugar. In fact, when the body is starved of glucose, the brain’s primary fuel, it can make us feel irritable, stressed, and even weak or have difficulty concentrating. These symptoms may be more or less noticeable: they can be very noticeable in cases of severe hunger or hypoglycemia (which mainly affects people with diabetes).

But where do these symptoms come from? When there is a lack of sugar, the body builds a A cascade of reactions that releases different hormones. First, ghrelin is produced, a hormone that stimulates appetite. The adrenal glands are then stimulated to produce adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones). In response, the brain changes levels of dopamine and serotonin, hormones associated with stress and feelings of well-being. We can then better understand how all of these hormones affect our stress and mood.

This carefully designed physiological phenomenon will be the legacy of our ancestors. “We think there is a Explanations related to species evolution : When humans were hunter-gatherers, we would have benefited from aggression in order to survive in times of food scarcity and thus compete with competitors for these resources,” explains researcher Liliya Kazantseva.

If you experience high mood swings every day while waiting for your meal, the solution may be Eat balanced snackslike fruit when hungry. Also need to ensure Eat enough fiber and starchy foods So that the body can properly regulate blood sugar levels. But be careful, consuming too much sugar too frequently each day can have similar effects to a lack of glucose and lead to frequent sugar cravings, which can lead to fatigue and mood swings. let us remember this 30% of French people eat more sugar than recommended ANSES, National Agency for Food Safety, or 100 grams of glucose per day (Source 2).

Video summary

Withdrawing from sugar can temporarily cause symptoms related to a lack of glucose: irritability, fatigue, stress, etc.

#feel #bad #hungry



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