The Veracruz University (UV) will host the X Latin American Congress of Medicinal Plants (Coplamed)which from September 7 to 11 will bring together specialists in traditional medicine, and will give way to the conjunction of two worlds: that of the information and culture of traditional medicine, and that of current scientific research that allows the safe use of phytomedicines.
Leticia Cano Asseleih, from the Tropical Research Center of the UV and president of the organizing committee of the congress, pointed out that the Latin American Society of Medicinal Plants also participates in the preparations.
The Coplamed , explained the researcher, is an academic scientific event that takes place annually and in its previous versions it has been hosted by universities in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador, corresponding this year for the first time to Mexico and, in recognition of Due to its prestige, the UV was chosen to host the works that include keynote and plenary conferences, as well as pre-conference workshops and informative excursions.
The participating specialists will share experiences, exchange ideas and present scientific and technological advances in research and applications of medicinal plants, seeking to encourage young scientists in training (undergraduate, master’s and doctorate students) to continue researching the use and properties from the same.
The topics to be developed are topics related to Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology; Phytochemistry and biological activity; Advanced analytical methodologies and techniques applied to natural products; QA; Biotechnology applied to genetic improvement; Omics applied to obtaining bioactive principles from medicinal plants; Therapeutic applications, preclinical and clinical trials; genetic resources; Biotrade and sustainable local development.
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